All Of The Lights: My Perfect Day

The first thing that has to go right for me to have a perfect day is waking up with a clean bill of health, not looking groggy or tense as I wake. Seriously, this has been greatly underestimated for far too long. For me, anytime I wake up after having too little sleep, my mood is never right. It does take a bit of time for me to normalize.

Another thing that brightens my mood after waking up is the uninterrupted power supply. Anytime I wake up to a lighted bulb, I'm normally happy. I can't really say maybe it's because the power supply in my region is so bad that we nearly jump in celebration whenever it's restored or because presence of power leads to a world of possibilities. However, my day is a lot better whenever there is power to do whatever stuff I wish to do. So, if I'm going to have a perfect day, power must not be messed with at any point.

Whenever I wake up, the first thing I grab is my phone. I do that for various reasons. One of them is to keep myself up to date with whatever I might've missed from the previous day. Another is to check my schedule for the day and plan accordingly. I am not really the type for strict planning of the day but, even at that, I still have to decide on the direction I want the day to flow in. Checking to confirm that I achieved targets set for the previous day and having achievable targets for the present day contributes to what a perfect day feels like to me.

After that, of course I freshen up and down a serious meal to officially kick-start the day. I'm not really fixated on a particular meal for breakfast. However, getting to eat the exact food I crave without having to stress myself up to get it will definitely do wonders for my mood. You know, the kind where one is comfortably seated, legs stretched, while getting served the exact meal one wants without having to run around the kitchen for it. Damn! It's heavenly.

Once the morning is perfect, there is a very high chance the day's proceedings will go as smoothly as envisaged. I just have to live through my day like every other, doing the necessary stuff and enjoying myself as I do it. Another thing that will make my day perfect will be to have a lovely video call with my folks.

The thing is I'm somehow terrible at keeping regular contact with people. Even at times when I wish to talk to my brother or sister, I will just think, "Let me not disturb this dude." Before noticing, weeks would've gone by without talking to my siblings. So, my perfect day will definitely involve having long discussions with all my siblings and parents as we reminisce about the time when we were young and the silly little things we did back then.

And to end the day, I will love to enjoy a good game of football. It will be perfect if it involves my favourite football club dominating and thrashing their most hated rival. That will set me in the mood for a good night's rest. And, like I earlier emphasized, power must not be tampered with all through the day.


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