I have been hearing people say this things when I was young and was still in primary school. I don't know what it means I do think, I always thought hay is just like a cloth which need to be spread when the sun is out not until I begin to ask people what it really means and they explained to me.

Anything one find himself doing, he or she should do well as there are time for everything and time wait for nobody. Looking at the situation of the country one don't have to miss the opportunity seen as it is limited so I will be using the story of a guy I know as a case study to butress the topic which I am going to write.

There is the guy of mine who we met through an online class and so we became friends, he had an elder brother who is studying computer science in the school and I was so close to him that he can tell me things which are not supposed to be told due to our closeness. The elder brother find everything happening around him as OPPORTUNITY to do better things which most of his friend don't really know.

He told me his story how he was able to get a good job and live fine the way he is doing now. As a computer scientist, he didn't limit himself to what they were teaching him so he had to go research himself during that research, he was able to come across a programming class which was open for student at the rate of just $20 for a year so he see this as an opportunity because it us rare to see that kind of offer. He registered for the class and was doing the normal lecture of his school together with the programming class.

He mastered it to the extent of doing some things himself and when he graduated due to the state of the country where there is no work, he has already been working as a programmer for a company already paying him over $400 per month in my country here Nigeria, looking at the fact that he learnt the programming for just $20 then, he is gaining over $400 now assuming he doesn't grab the opportunity then, he would have graduated and be looking for job everywhere and won't be able to see easily.

So making hay while the sun shine is just like grabbing the opportunity when one can still get it due to the fact that everything is time and time wait for nobody.

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