My Journey Through Loss

There was a time I felt I was all alone. I struggled and depression set in; I began having that consistent feeling of sadness and despair. Everything became meaningless to me, and I couldn't find happiness in anything.

I was in my own shell, thinking about so many things. It got to the point of asking a friend for a drug that could help me sleep more often. Maybe once that feeling of hopelessness came, I just took it and slept off. He discouraged me and told me there are negative effects.

Like three occurrences have got me depressed, but I will be sharing one. It was when I lost a huge sum. When something happens and we have backups, we don't get affected. My case wasn't like that.

I have been an online hustler for some years now, losing fund had not been a new thing, but you know, when you lose and you look at your bank account and realize you still have so much, the pain of the loss won't be compared to when you lose what looks like your last card, what will make you monitor your expenses and cut so many things, else you go broke for heaven knows for how many years. That was an incident that happened to me.

In my quest for more money, I went blindly into an investment. Everything looked convincing. The person that informed me about it made his withdrawal after 24hrs, and he was a friend of mine. So, I decided to let in since it was something one could withdraw instantly after 18 rounds of participation. These 18 rounds involve depositing USDT of any amount displayed on the screen to buy a particular product which comes with ROI. Even with what I noticed, I wasn't wise.


These people kept sending huge amounts of USDT with huge ROI. I sold all my coins and converted to USDT just for me to win the jackpot, the same jackpot that left me in tears. After almost 1,000 USDT, I had pumped into the website, at my 14th round, a product worth over 1000 USDT was displayed on the screen. That was when I thought of where to get such an amount from after I had emptied my wallet and now another product worth such a huge amount is displayed?

I ran to my friend and informed him; he started regretting that we didn't stop when the USDT started increasing. We asked the lady who claimed to be from a foreign country if we could withdraw, and she said the rounds must be completed and if it gets to 24 hrs uncompleted, that would mean starting from the beginning.

Immediately I heard that, I knew my world had ended. I thought left and right on what to do, how to begin again, where to rise from, I wept uncontrollably in a secret corner. It was so painful, I was lost in thought and sadness for as long as I can recall. The knowledge that there are no reliable investment platforms left me "thinking what would make rise again." I had months of sleepless nights with so many thoughts. I allowed depression to consume me; it looked like what I won't be able to overcome.

Sometimes I slept off in tears, thoughts upon thoughts. I was silently losing it that I had to wake myself in my own dream. I saw myself losing weight, looking extremely sorrowful. One day, I had to say to myself, "Mary, this is not you, you can overcome this. You have been through other money losses and you didn't die."

Gradually, I started accepting the loss. I refused to let the huge loss control my well-being. I began waving those negative thoughts away; whenever they came, I tried to speak positive things to myself. With that, I was able to wake up to opportunities, no longer a slave to despair and sadness. Before I knew it, I started seeing some money, no matter how small, I made sure I saved up something.

It continued like that till I was able to save up money. The fear of losing this money again made me take a wise but fearful decision of investing in crypto last year; it ended up being the wisest decision. I was able to see double of my little investment, and that approach helped my recovery stage.

My experience taught me that there is no gain in allowing oneself to be consumed by depression. Instead of gaining, one will keep losing. It was until I woke up to challenge it that I found opportunities. Seeking a solution to whatever is keeping us down would help us find the strength to overcome any life challenges that hit our way.

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