Embracing the Depth of My Hobbies

A hobby is simply that thing we do for pleasure and enjoy doing at our leisure. Before I get into my own hobbies, I'd like to explore a few types of hobbies.

Physical Hobbies: These encompass activities that keep us physically engaged, such as sports, dancing, and gardening.

DIY Hobbies: "Do it yourself" hobbies involve using our hands, like knitting or hair styling.

Culinary Hobbies: These revolve around cooking, baking, and showcasing recipes.

Educational, outdoor, collecting, physical, and creative hobbies are all individual choices. What we enjoy is often a blend of these types.

For me, I take so much pleasure in these two hobbies: DIY and culinary Hobbies.

DIY Hobby: Hair Styling

This is a passion I love so much and I enjoy doing. Hair styling is a very unique hobby that is also very profitable. When we speak of looking good and appearance, hair is very essential.


Image is mine

From braids to Ghana weaving, normal weaving, wig making, and hair treatments, there are numerous ways hairstylists can earn. Training apprentices also brings in revenue. While apprentices come prepared, they need to watch and learn, creating a symbiotic learning environment.

Yet, the truth remains the same, this hobby isn't for the faint-hearted. It requires real passion, as it can be demanding and time-consuming. Standing for long hours and working on a single hairstyle can be daunting.

Hairstyling is a timeless profession—it won't fade as long as women exist. It's a business that needs commitment and it offers a longevity and profits. It's not just a business, but also a DIY hobby.

Culinary Hobby

As I strive for independence, my income sources becomes crucial. Life's challenges can derail our plans, so I've embraced cooking as a way to generate income.

Cooking has been part of me from childhood. My mother made cooking more a necessity than a hobby. But my perspective changed when I met a friend whose mother had lots assets through taking cooking as a hobby and not just a necessity. Her success was an inspiration to me.



Cooking moved beyond being a chore to a cherished passion. It was no longer just something I did; it became something embraced wholeheartedly.

Hobbies can be innate or inspired by others. This woman's love for cooking fueled my passion. Although I couldn't express my admiration to her but I went deep into culinary exploration. Watching different cuisines and cooking styles broadened my horizons.

YouTube became my classroom. I subscribed to different YouTubers who shared practical tips and that helped in enriching my culinary journey.

Besides my other income streams, though I have not started making money with this hobby but I'm seriously considering turning this hobby into a business. It's a venture that demands lots of money, but starting small is an option. feasibility study is key to every success business and I would implore that.

In conclusion, hobbies are our our growth, our self discovery, and sometimes our livelihoods. They reflect so much on who we are and who we looking forward to be. Embracing them wholeheartedly is a step toward a fulfilling life.

               THE END

I AM @marynn,
. 🌹

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