A I, Robots Versus Human Intelligence

In different sectors in the world today, competition is the other day, different industries strive very hard to compete against each other in order to remain in line. The media sector is not left out, competition is the other day, everyone wants to be heard. In the media industries, captivating programmes, gathering of authentic information, and sending out what the audience want is what different broadcasting organizations are searching for on a daily basis and this information is to be analyzed and presented.

A I is one of the programmes that the media employ mostly in first world countries with advanced technology. Having a degree in Mass Communication reminded me when I wrote on this topic. Currently in the advanced countries, although A I can do what newscasters do, it can't replace the emotional elements humans possess.

I can't be stranded if eventually I'm no longer needed at my place of work because of A I. If eventually I'm replaced by an A I in my field of study. The only way to cope would be doing something outside my profession. It's always advisable and I love parents that see the need to allow their children to learn skills. With my acquired skill, I think I will be just fine.


Writing is to journalists what water is to fish. As an amateur writer, I can look into making writing a full time thing. There are many brands, organizations who need content writers. My writing skills can serve the day for me.

Apart from writing skills, another thing I can use to cope with would be hair making. Hair making is one skill I passionately learnt on my own without going to a saloon. With these two skills, I'm sure I would be able to cope and live.

A I and robots are very significant machines because of their unique quality but human intelligence still stands out to outshine A I because there are so many things human intelligence can do that A I cannot. The ability to think is one ability humans have that A I lack. Also, humans have emotions but A I don't. Though A I have the ability to analyze data and carry out certain tasks, it is difficult for A I to empathize with others which is very necessary in human existence and working environment.

I remember when I wrote a seminar on the topic "Ethical Issues in the Application of Artificial intelligence in Journalism" Human beings have a sense of ethics which allows them to make decisions that are ethical. This ethical ability is what A I don't possess. These abilities are all unique qualities that make humans useful in different sectors as far as work is concerned.

Investing in lifelong learning, acquiring new skills, and adapting to emerging technologies are needful for humans as long as we want to remain significant contributors in society. No matter how AI continues to advance, human intelligence still supersedes.

        THE END

I AM @marynn,

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