RE: RE: If I had one wish to make that would come through.|| Edition 2.
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RE: If I had one wish to make that would come through.|| Edition 2.

RE: If I had one wish to make that would come through.|| Edition 2.

Hi @jessicaossom, how are you? Hey, I see that you are very clear in your desire and you expressed it very well. But what you say surprises me a lot, then the culprit of the suffering that exists is God. Wouldn't it be better to ask that Adam and Eve had not sinned? You have at least one child, who I hope is in better health, I also have a son and as parents we expect our children to be obedient to those we ask of them. As loving parents we do not ask them for something that they cannot do. Normally the rules and what we ask for is in your best interest.

God has been a loving father, before forming Adam and Eve, like every loving father, he arranged his dwelling place as beautifully as possible, dressed it with vegetation, water that they could drink, animals of all kinds and lights of day and night. Then he formed the man and so that he would not be there he only gave him his companion. He gave them all kinds of trees that they could eat to their satisfaction just by stretching out their hand. Only one thing he asked them, not to eat from a single tree, and he also told them what would happen if they ate from it: ** "positively they will die" **. Then this other character enters the scene, who despite being a son of God, wanted what rightfully belonged to God. Then he said that God was a liar, that if they ate from the tree they would not die, so Eva preferred to believe this new character,(Genesis 3:1-6)

That makes me think how there are so many cases of parents who love their children, many of whom instill good principles in them, but they do not follow the advice, perhaps they look for bad company despite the warnings of their parents, they get into bad habits and when they do terrible things that may lead them to jail, two types of parents come into play here, those who support them and accompany them in the process may seek the best defense for them and do not abandon them despite their actions, but there are the other parents , who try to buy justice, eliminate evidence, so that their son who has committed a serious crime, perhaps a murder or something terrible, goes free, without any consequences. The son feels happy and the parents too. And the parents allow him to continue with his life.

What do you think will become of the lives of those children, of the one who faced the process accompanied by their parents as the one who came out exempt from everything. We have many cases of this and reality confirms that it is more likely that the one who faces the consequences of their actions will learn a lesson and perhaps change, while the one who is freed or exempted on each occasion does not feel any remorse, and will do it again once. and again confident that justice cannot with him. Many times we are the parents responsible for that happening.

Also remember something, there were many other angels watching what was happening there, if God eliminates this evil character, what would the other angels think that God was right or was it the devil and that is why God eliminates him? He also told Adam and Eve that if they ate from the tree, they would die, so God would not fulfill his promise, that is, the other creatures could do what they wanted without reaping any consequences.

But God's will has always been that people live forever on earth turned into a paradise and that has not changed and immediately he arranged the means by which his purpose would be fulfilled (Genesis 3:15). It may take time but it will indeed be fulfilled. And in the scriptures we can find all that information and know how he will do it. And like a loving father he has not left us alone in the process 😉.

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