The Reality of Autonomous Vehicles in Developing Countries


Technology brings us closer to those who are furthest away and distances us from those who are closest.

This is a publication based on the suggested topic proposed in the Hive Learners community through their discord, which on this occasion is "Self-Driving Cars".


"True progress is what makes technology available to everyone."
<< Henry Ford >>

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We live in a world that is full of technology, with artificial intelligence, artifacts that make our lives easier and that at the same time also isolate us.

Although with the Internet and globalization we can communicate with many more people and have access to more information almost immediately, we also isolate ourselves.

Precisely the fact of having this technology and being able to access it immediately and in a matter of seconds, having information or data that we are looking for, makes us forget the fact of being able to communicate with that other human being, the human factor of being able to converse because we are simply typing in front of a computer.

This is a preamble to the topic I come to talk to you about today, which is self-driving cars.

These intelligent vehicles are really an invention that we only saw a few years ago as a prediction of the future, in movies and animated series like the Jetsons.

We see how the father of the family goes through a tube and falls into a vehicle that is a flying saucer, he goes to work with the vehicle driving automatically.

Today we have reached that point where we have Tesla brand vehicles that are capable of driving automatically.

I believe that if I could have the possibility of purchasing a vehicle of this type, I would.

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I would like to have it, because although I do not completely trust this technology, in my opinion I believe that it needs a lot to improve and to reduce the current percentage of probability of failures that they have.

We must remember that these are simply machines and as machines they can deteriorate over time, they can overheat, they can have different types of failure and we as humans must always be vigilant regarding this.

The city where I live is a city with many vehicles and generally the streets are not in the best of conditions.

There are a lot of potholes, a lot of holes and current vehicles that are not intelligent suffer a lot of damage.

I imagine that a vehicle as expensive as these that are electric and that are intelligent, are going to suffer a lot of damage, because they work with sensors and by falling into holes, and passing through uneven roads all the time, it is very likely that these sensors become damaged and have to be repaired.

I believe that the conditions in my country and in the city where I live are not appropriate to be able to use this type of vehicle.

Perhaps in certain areas of the country that are areas of people with a lot of money and the roads are in good condition it can be used, but in general that is not the case.

The roads and streets are very congested and can cause these problems.

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Apart from that, there is the mentality of the people, which is precisely not the most appropriate because surely, if people here have access to intelligent vehicles and start buying them, they are going to start consuming alcohol in the vehicles, they are going to forget about drive, or they will fall asleep, and in the event that an accident occurs and the person is not alert, it will be much worse.

I think that due to the idiosyncrasies of the inhabitants of this country, it is not a good idea to drive or let them drive an intelligent vehicle. I think these technologies are for people who have a balanced, positive mentality and who are used to living in developed countries, in countries that have culture, in countries that are progressive and who are really going to make positive use of this.

As for if the vehicle fails, whose responsibility is it?: I believe it is a shared responsibility of both the owner and the company.

The company in its first years must ensure that updates are made and improvements are added to these vehicles that increasingly reduce accidents and the possibilities of failure.

I think that after many years of it being proven that these vehicles offer minimal risk to humans, many people would be in a better mood to adopt and drive these vehicles.

I think that this is basically what technology is about and I think that we should give it the opportunity, but always remembering that they are machines and that machines will always need the supervision and maintenance of humans.

These vehicles sooner or later will need to be connected to a power source or recharge the energy they have, repair the tires, change the paint and wash the vehicle.

The human factor will always be present and I think we must always take that into account because it is the most important thing.


This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).



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