Reflections on adoption


Love knows no borders or origins.

This is a publication based on the suggested topic proposed in the Hive Learners community through their discord, which on this occasion is "Am I Adopted?".

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"The family one chooses is as important as the one one inherits."
<< Anonymous >>

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Adoption is a very sensitive topic, whose foundation for me lies in the environment in which the adoptee develops.

The social environment will vary and change a lot depending on the culture in which this person operates.

I told a colleague in the community that it is not the same to be adopted, for example, by a Muslim as by a Jew or by a person who is Buddhist.

The context, not only religious but also social and cultural, will radically change the habits and society and, therefore, the beliefs and feelings of these people.

So I think it is something that must be taken into account to be able to say or explain how one may feel being adopted.

In my condition and being a resident of Venezuelan nationality, if I had found out that I was truly adopted, I think I would have felt very good because I have always said that I do not feel identified with this nationality, with its culture and its way of being. So, in my case, it would have been extremely interesting for me to know that I am adopted.


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I think I would welcome that and respect my brothers and sisters a little, not a lot. Being the only one adopted, surely they would try to bully me or make fun of me because I am adopted. But I think not.

Feeling and knowing what I think today, I believe that this teasing and bullying would not harm me in any way, rather I would find it funny and amusing.

Now, the way I would react to being told that I was adopted, the first thing I would do is ask my parents why they adopted me, if they already had, above all, other children.

I would like to know, to know the reason, if it was that they wanted to give more love or if they wanted to have a philanthropic or social cause, or they simply wanted to cover that need of being able to support someone in a life that needed it.

Because there are people who have that philanthropic and altruistic soul who need to complete their lives by helping one of these children who are in an orphanage to be adopted and have a better life.


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I think that, honestly, I would forgive my relatives with all the love in the world for having hidden from me that I was adopted because I know that they are doing me a great deal of good by helping me get ahead in life and by giving me an education, by adopting me, by supporting me.

So that, to me, is a symbol of love. I believe that all people who are going to adopt a boy or girl should take that into account.

That they are going to have to, during the next 20 or 30 years, sponsor and guide and direct a new life and they have to do it from love, prepare that citizen for life in an environment that is pleasant, from love and that they are, let's say, promoting a new life that is not a slave that they are acquiring. Because many times you can have the vision that they are going to have a child to help them in a business, to work.

In part, yes, it is fine, but taking into account that this is an independent life and that it is forging a citizen, not an employee and not a slave, but a person who feels that he has emotions and in the future will have a personality.

And so the ideal is to have a better world with people who are rational, who have critical thinking and who are contributions, good men and women, to society.

I believe that this adoption situation can be handled in this way and it will be very positive for everyone and the entire planet.


This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).



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