Redefining Wealth and Progress - My utopic vision.


A society where wealth is equally distributed and individuals have a limited income would foster a more equitable, peaceful, and innovative world.

This is a publication based on the suggested topic proposed in the Hive Learners community through their discord, which on this occasion is Maximum Earnings.


"The greatest good is the greatest number."
<< Jeremy Bentham >>

Photo by Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto

The topic that occupies us on this occasion is quite controversial as well as it is the opinion that I have of them.

To begin with, I want to enter the point saying that from my point of view people should have a limit of the amount of money they can earn.

This is simply because having limited the amount of income that each one can have, the person knows that he will be able to have time to dedicate himself to other things that are of his interest, whether it is like the arts, science, or any other topic that allows him to contribute to society and progress as a human being and as a person. This in the long run will lead society to evolve to have a better and balanced environment.

If we maintain the current system where each person can have the amount of money they want and enrich themselves without limits, it will continue to happen the same thing will happen in the future.

What is happening at the moment is that only a few will have the ability to enrich themselves while the rest, let's say 95% of people will be busy surviving, not having time to deal with science, arts, creativity, and really be able to fulfill their dreams because they will only be spending the rest of their lives focused on accumulating wealth.

And I think this is not the right way to be able to evolve as a society and as individuals.

I would support a system that will limit the wealth and the amount of earnings that each person can have and that, on the contrary, promote that people can dedicate themselves to the things they like most in their lives.

I am sure that a system based on these principles will create the society of the future.

Photo by Brett Sayles

Imagine only the opportunity to have a society where people will not be worried about what they are going to eat tomorrow, where they know they are going to have guaranteed food and they will have the same opportunities to study, to live, to have water, to have electricity, to have access to a facility, to a health system that will protect them, that they will have a good quality of life, that they will have this guaranteed because the state guarantees that everyone will have the same level of income, that there is a social and economic security that will allow this to work in this way.

So I firmly believe, unlike what most of the colleagues have expressed in their publications about this topic, that there must be a limit in the earnings that are obtained. Because in this way, we are going to have a better society where the resources are going to be distributed equally and this from my point of view is going to make society move forward.

It is going to make everyone enjoy better services, better quality of life, and as I said at the beginning, they will be able to have more time to create, invent, and take us to the society of the future.

I completely agree that this system is going to work and I am sure that it would be very interesting to see how this model works, to see a society where people are not worried because they have everything they need, and see how it evolves.

A society of this type, peaceful people living and doing what they like the most, because they know that they have their life secured.

Not a person who is going to fight all his life to pay a loan from an apartment, and when this old man who does not have the capacity to work for the different diseases and who does not have access to a health system, because he does not have the economic resources, can be calm, because he knows that he is going to have access to a good old age, he is going to have food, he is going to have a house, and they are going to take care of him quietly.

So I think that a system where the profits are limited gives to be much more positive than a system like the one we currently have where the profits are not limited.


This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).



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