Managing my online communications


Is very important avoiding distractions and disruptions in daily routines caused by constant messaging.

This is a publication based on the suggested topic proposed in the Hive Learners community through their discord, which on this occasion is "Texting Do's And Dont's".


"Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things."
<< Peter Drucker >>

Image fromBuffik en Pixabay

Today in our world where social networks play such an important role, and where we use these applications very often online such as WhatsApp, Telegram, WeChat, and all the other applications as Messenger, Facebook, and all these great things that allow us to communicate and be in contact with people, brings other types of problems that are like aggregates that we have been seeing for a long time, for many years, and they cause a lot of stress and in some cases anxiety.

I have seen that there is a lot of anxiety.

There are even clinics and therapies for people who suffer from addiction to be sending texts.

Regarding this, there are some rules that I want to mention that I particularly have when it comes to receiving and sending these texts.

When it comes to WhatsApp, when it comes to receiving or sending these texts, whether it is from WhatsApp or from any other fast messaging program, the first thing I do is to have a priority order.


Image from Alexandra_Koch at Pixabay

If I see that the message comes from a person who does not communicate frequently with me, then obviously I postpone it and leave it to read it later.

First, I have the priority to take care of the tasks that are important for me in the day like making my content, making the work or the commissions that I have pending during the day, and then I go to see the different messages if the message comes from a person who is important with whom I generally communicate always, then I immediately review it.

For this, I have on my cell phone certain special tones that differentiate the messages when they are urgent for me to be able to attend them immediately or when they are not urgent, both for messages and for the different phone calls.

For phone calls or messages from strangers, I also have a specific tone for me to know how to identify them and recognize if I should pay attention or not.

This seems to me to be the most effective and healthy way in which I have been able to and can manage this in terms of how it affects me, my communication with others in the online world.


Image from Javier Rodriguez at Pixabay

I can tell you that there are many people who get very intense and who want you to be responding to the messages all the time or that you answer them immediately.

Then this also causes a lot of anxiety that this type of person that maybe they feel depressed, or they are bored, or they need to talk to someone and they start sending you messages all the time.

And of course this affects my personal life, my daily routine since I am busy and I stop doing what I am doing to occupy that person.

*Then this is something that I have to do, this is something that I really do not allow to affect me, it is something that I do not accept. *

I accept emergency messages from a person who may need help or maybe as it happens here in the building. People are locked up or stuck in the elevator and they need quickly that a neighbor helps them,or warns the others that they are in a complicated situation in the elevator for us to go and help them.


Image fromDean Moriarty at Pixabay

Then simply because those are exceptions and they are emergencies that I do tend to answer quickly but those are things that I accept as a main rule.

I do not usually accept messages or calls from unknown numbers.

It is not exactly the best idea, but it is the one that has helped me better to manage and avoid any amount of problems especially in the online world with the number of scammers and people who send content, or things that really do not interest me.

Many cases of advertising and advertising of things that in reality are not of my interest.

And simply when I receive those messages I label them as spam and directly my phone blocks that type of communication.

I think that today in this online world it is very important to be clear the things that can be tested, and the things that cannot be tested. To do it can make a difference between life and death, if you respond to a message while you are driving for example.

Obviously the thing is that you are going to cause a serious accident, and you can lose your life.

Then you have to be more conscious, be rational, and above all manage in a way efficiently the messages to know when to respond and when to send them.


This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).



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