Living in Harmony with Nature


The connection with nature is one of the greatest advantages of rural life.

This is a publication based on the suggested topic proposed in the Hive Learners community through their discord, which on this occasion is "Urban Or Natural".

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"The countryside is the world of truth, rural life offers what men seek in vain in the cities"
<< Luigi Pirandello >>

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The topic I am going to talk to you about today is quite interesting to me and it is precisely because I have had the opportunity to live for a long time in the natural part, far from the city, in a small town that is at the ends of the world. called Uberito, from the Anzoátegui state, which is really forgotten by God, so to speak.

I remember that on the date I visited there were around 10 houses.

I don't know how it is today, but I suppose that the same conditions are maintained because this is a place that is a remote field, and well, what people usually do there is dedicate themselves to planting corn, peanuts and, above all, , to animal husbandry.

They grow peanuts because it is a land that is very hot, very arid and so that type of harvest grows very well in these parts.

What I can tell you is that in this area there is a lot of nature, cows, birds and local fauna, because you see many deer and morroccoyes and typical animals that are only found there. It's very relaxing.

For me, the experience was really pleasant. As I told you, I had the opportunity to live there for about three months in my in-laws' house because, well, precisely because my in-laws got to know me and shared time with them so that they knew what the future was going to be.


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Her daughter's husband, who was my partner, took me to spend a few days at their country estate and there I managed to live this whole experience.

I got to know the way some rural people live and I can tell you again that it is very relaxed.

I mean, they do have their responsibilities like everything else, but life is very simple. It is not like the life that we know, those of us who live in the city, accustomed to technology and all the advances.

They are completely opposite things. So, in comparison, the difference in living in a rural area like the one I currently live in is very, very different.

In rural areas we are used to the noise of cars, people, vehicle alarms, the noise, for example, of doors slamming in the case where I live, and it is not something that is pleasant.

In other words, they are completely very different situations that over time we adapt to and it is curious because we should not feel good if we are not in contact with nature, with the tranquility of living a de-stressed life with the noise of the birds when you wake up.


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I think that is the greatest advantage we can have living in a part that is natural, that is full of nature.

And the biggest disadvantage of living in such a natural environment is that we do not have access to all the benefits of the big city, not food at hand, immediate medical services, hospitals and access to clinics.

Well, generally in the middle of a jungle you won't have access to that.

So, on the disadvantage of living, but on the other hand I consider that there is more advantage than disadvantage of living in the countryside.

So I'm always going to have that tendency to want to live in an area that's natural. Perhaps because I am from the city, my preference leans towards that side precisely because I need tranquility and I need the peace of living in a relaxed place.

But I think that, in general, it will always be my preference to live in a natural area.


This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).



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