How to Address Guilt and Responsibility


The responsibility of parents is to give their children roots to grow and wings to fly.

This is a publication based on the suggested topic proposed in the Hive Learners community through their discord, which on this occasion is "Whose Fault Is It?".


"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world."
<< Nelson Mandela >>

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The proposed topic for conversation and debate today is about who is to blame.

Always talking about finding blame or responsibility for something is a topic that is very sensitive and in which people's beliefs and principles are generally hurt.

It is very difficult to address a topic of this type without creating noise and without disturbing or causing discomfort to someone. Obviously, the person who commits the offense is the main actor or the main issue to which we are going to refer.

I believe that the difference in how to say it, or how to approach that person who has committed the offense is precisely what is going to generate a great change.

And we are talking about when a child makes a mistake or an infraction against society.

In reality, part of the responsibility lies with the child, but for the most part it goes to his relatives. Parents have the responsibility of giving that young person or child an education where he understands that he has duties and rights in a society and that to function in this society where he lives, he must comply with certain standards and under certain parameters, always understanding that is going to be part of the gears that make this society move.

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Understanding or making him understand that all the actions he does will have an impact and that the aim is for society to be productive, to be a pleasant place for everyone.

Parents have the responsibility of educating the child and making him see that they are his friends, because being a friend is very different from being a father.

We must approach the young person or child from an approach that we are trustworthy people, people that he can truly trust and always making it clear that we are going to be his representatives, his relatives, that father or that man or that woman who You will have a helping hand and who will give you advice at the time of a difficult moment and who will be in charge of correcting because that is your task when the child commits an infraction, or rather prevent the child from committing that violation.

When the young person or child has the appropriate tools to function in life and has sufficient criteria to be able to evaluate, within a minimum environment, whether what they are doing is right or wrong, they will surely make the appropriate decision, but It is because he has the tools and because he has been raised in a positive environment.

I have seen many cases around where I live, which is an area of ​​high crime and high danger, where crime, drugs and criminals predominate.

Families that with great honor have raised and raised their children in a legitimate and very honorable way without making the boys fall into drugs.

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I have had the opportunity to talk to each of these criminals and let them know that they are doing things incorrectly, that they are not contributing anything to society, but always with respect and from the understanding that I am not being an accuser or a dangerous entity for them, but rather I am a facilitator of a better life, so that we can all live in harmony and reconcile the differences that they may have with the activities they engage in and the harm they do. to young people and society.

I think that by addressing and having conversations with them we have managed to reconcile several common points. They have even managed to improve public courts and some aspects such as plant maintenance and gardening.

These criminals here really like having the trees in good condition and seeing the plants, and they have been aware that, for example, they should not do their business or be on the street consuming certain substances when there are children playing.

We have reached an agreement that they have a sector and some hours where there are precisely no children, to be able to carry out these types of activities, we have achieved that agreement, but it is precisely because we have talked with them.

Just as you should talk to children on another level, making them understand that committing an infraction is not good for them or for society, especially because it will erode the opportunities they will have in life to get ahead, and making them understand that in a more positive environment and where infractions are not committed, but on the other hand, one is more productive and is a point, an important gear for society, things are activated better, one is able to be more productive and to have a better future, a more beautiful planet and a better space for everyone.


This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).



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