Dog is my favorite pet

Good morning, My dear friends of Hive Learners community. This is week 17 and edition 2 of Hive learners contests. Today is Thursday and my 2 post of this week and the topic of this post is A Family Pet.


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Dear friends, raising pets is everyone's hobby and everyone like it. Some people like to keep dogs, some people like to keep cats, some people like horses and some people like other pets, everyone has its own choice.

These animals are really cute and people take good care of them. Some pets are so loyal that they can't sleep without you and they can't get along without you. I have seen many such incidents with my own eyes.


Image taken from Pixabay

Now I will tell you which pet I like the most and why I want to keep it. The only pet I like is the dog because the dog is a very loyal pet. I like the dog for many reasons that I will tell you about.

A dog is an animal that cares for you better than you family. I also like dogs because they help you in many ways. Dogs also guard your home and keep it safe from thieves. Some dogs are always too much fun.

Because they play with our children and lure their hearts. I still remember a long time ago I saw a movie in which a dog owner is killed by his enemies and then that dog takes revenge on his owner's enemies and kills them too and his. I was amazed at the dog's loyalty because the dog would not eat until he had avenged his owner's death.

My friends, Dogs help us feel less lonely, they are healthy for our hearts, they keep us from being stressed, they help us deal with crises, and they make us want to move on. Last but not least, dogs are our good friends.

So from this we can guess why I prefer to keep a dog and why I love it. I love this pet so much and I hope to bring it home soon. I hope you have found out about my favorite animal from me. My friends, thanks for reading my post about my favorite pet.



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