Love For Life

In passing moments, seasons and people, we find love. Because love is the passion that is the reason for the existence of this universe. Be it any relationship or be it any religion, love is the foundation of everything. If parents had any other name. It would probably be love because parents are the ones who love us selflessly.

Regardless of anything, every religion of the world teaches to treat parents gently and with love.
Hazrat Muhammad, who taught Islam to all mankind, also repeatedly told to treat parents with kindness and love. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was not raised by his real mother, but by his adopted mother whose name is Halima Saadia.

From this aspect of Islam, we find that the adopted parents have the same status as the original parents. Rather, Islam also gives the teacher the status of parents.

It is said in Quran Kareem,

If any one of them or both of them reach old age, do not say to them: uff (a word or expression of anger or contempt) and do not scold them, and address them with respectful words” [17:23].

So, one cannot say uff(an expression of anger) in front of parents. It's our moral duty that we fellow the advices of our parents because they know the world and they always want good for us. Sometimes, our parents don't get us right so we should narrate everything to them in a peaceful and calming manner. We should never loose the element of calmness in our behavior.


Even if I get a chance to take seven births, still I can never pay back the love of my parents. And even if I spend my whole life in their service, that will not count for those nine months. Those nine months in which my mother felt utmost pain for me. I can never pay back... Never Ever.

My father has called me Rani(Queen) since childhood. Whenever my father calls me Rani, I feel like I am a real Rani. Till date there is no wish that my father has not fulfilled. On the one hand the word comes out of my mouth and on the other hand my father completes the wish.

My parents have stood by me in every moment of my life.They have motivated me on my bad grades, they have taught me right and wrongs and they have taught me art of living. So even if it turns out that they are not my parents, I will never feel sad.No matter how many times you say that they are not my parents, they will still be my parents. They are and they always be my parents. Because as much love as these two have given me, hardly anyone in the world can love so much. They are the real God's Gift. Every color is faded in front of them. Every gem is sand in front of them. The only thing a human want is love and care. They have always given to me. They are my Parents.

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