Take 10 minutes to fix regrets in the past

Hello friends, how are you, ar-Rayah Arab to all of you, of course you will be fine and will always be able to do good things in life, of course, whether it's good activities on social media or in our daily lives.
As usual at this very happy meeting of course I want to share some problems in this content that we love so much.
With regard to the title of the content on this very happy occasion, I am very happy because it is related to time, of course, therefore I really like a work of si than you making a contest title which we will do shortly.
At this meeting, of course, I want to deal with a little problem regarding time, time is an important thing in our lives, whether it's our lives in carrying out daily activities or in other activities, but every activity we carry out that we do has time, so time This is very valuable for every human who lives in this world.
But the time we have is different, of course, whether it's time in work in worship in other matters, but each business has a very ideal time so that every round of time and mass of course for each of us who wastes that time is a loss. and it is very, very detrimental if we miss the time we have set so that this time is a very important moment in carrying out all work activities in this world.

Hopefully, in every gap that we pass through in the world, of course we have felt, namely by the name of regret, regret is something that is very undesirable for every human being in this world, of course, if this regret comes to every human being, it will hate very, very much hate the regret. Humans hate the regrets they have, of course the answer is because they have wasted time on me. If I was given 10 minutes to go back, what would I do, of course, the answer would be I will fix the regrets that I have done, so let me be friends, don't you never waste your time because time is more valuable than anything.
So every one of us who is disciplined in keeping time of course we will all give the best time in life to clear up all the regrets of our life then the worst thing in life is to just let time go to waste leaving opportunities to make bad that's the life we ​​really don't like .
So take care of your time, use your time even if you only do good deeds for a moment, but from that, of course, fixing the past with the remaining 10 minutes is more valuable to you. I have done.
Therefore, I will hope that all of my friends can do as I aspire to, even though we can't do it completely, of course in the remaining time we will be able to do it with the opportunities that exist, so don't ever let this opportunity just stay can always do the best in your life.

But from that I hope that all my friends can take care of your time as well as possible because we will see how many people lose due to negligence rather than their time.
Because time is so important and time is so valuable, of course we have to take care of it as well as possible, so in every business we do when we go through one activity, for example, like in today's life, I feel that if my time was returned in 10 minutes, of course I would do it the first time, namely do good in every business.
And on other problems, of course, the most valuable business in my life is performing rituals of worship, so no matter what the words that have been said by people I always answer and recommend by explaining to every human being, that is worship, my friend.
So every 10 minutes of time that can be returned, I will do worship activities even for a moment, so in this case, of course, all my friends will feel how calm and comfortable they are in carrying out worship rituals even though the remaining 10 minutes of time are returned.
from that, of course, our journey is very far, both on earth and in the afterlife, for those of you who believe that there is an afterlife, the problem is that if we die, there will be many problems that will be given accountability in addressing believing that but of course for friends - all my friends who believe that the realm of death is the beginning of life rather than eternal life, but from that of course the time for us to run on this earth is the time that is given for a moment, so with the momentary time we have in the world, of course we will improve and we will use it to and kindness, even if it's for a second, then in this case, of course, if we will all be given the opportunity after death, we will be returned to the world, then we will expect that in 10 minutes we will all worship.
Talking differently in everyday life
Usually it is returned in 10 minutes of life then of course I will see what I will do then the answer is that all humans will certainly do good things but from that when I pass a yard where on the lawn of that place I see an animal that is so painfully hungry thirst for dryness from the sun and I will return the time I spent I will do repairs to the animal but of course from every remaining time in the 10 minutes we return then we will do that is kindness.
The problem is what kind of goodness we will do in 10 minutes of mass return, the answer is goodness.

So only a brief description that I can convey on this very happy occasion, thanks to the almighty God who has given me a little thought to be able to give the best for all of my friends.
And also, I thank you for creating the content of this contest and reading every content that we share with contest makers, of course, and every contest that we will read and will be rewarded for, so I really like it.
And thank you to all my friends who have taken the time to read the content that I share on this very happy occasion, hopefully it will be of benefit to myself and of course to be of benefit to all of my friends.
And apologize for all the shortcomings and mistakes than the words that I have described and the words that I have compiled, so in this case of course I am very grateful to God Almighty who can enlighten us in order to take advantage of the opportunities that have been given to us. all

Remember friends, time is more valuable than all things, so take care of your time, don't taint it with bad things in every time you have done.
Time is more valuable than money and time is sharper than a sword, so time is wasted and our throats are cut.
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