

I still can't forget how dejected he looked that day, his eyes were a bit red and his dark face glistened in the sun. I too was a bit sad, we had just come out from the hall where we had written a very tough physics exam and I also wasn't so sure of what I had written.

I had felt the exam was the reason why he looked dejected so I approached him , hoping that I would explain my predicament to him and we could comfort each other.

Although we were course mates, we barely knew or talked to each other, we were just freshmen in the university and had barely settled-in or found our footing. The exam was our first and we still hadn't fully comprehended the school exam style and systems.

As I made my way to him, he saw me and could tell that I was coming for a chitchat, he stretched his right hand for a hand shake, I shook him and made the first speech of "how are you bro"

chitchats were normal for students after every exams. With so much curiosity, we'd always want to know how things went for others. We did this to evaluate ourselves and also to console ourselves whenever we felt that things didn't go so well.

After I asked him how he was doing, he replied me saying "bro I'm not fine o", I expected the reply so I smiled and said it's same way everyone is feeling at the moment. I told him how terribly I felt I had done in the exam and how others even did worse, I felt it would cheer him up a bit but it didn't.

He then began explaining how his case was not just about the exams alone. " All my money is gone", he said in a very sad tone. He then explained to me how he was just scammed of all his money. He told me how he saw a very fine television set in an online marketing website and then he contacted the sellers because he wanted to purchase the television set.

After he had paid for the television and was waiting for it to be delivered, he got a call from the so called delivery man that their vehicle had broken down on the road and he should send some more money so they could send it through another vehicle. He said he was angry but since he had already paid for the TV, he decided to pay the extra money they had asked for so he could atleast secure his television set. He said they kept on coming up with several other stories and made him give them more money till he had nothing left on him

I remember how I laughed after he showed me the television and and thr messages of his conversations with them. I really don't why he couldn't tell that they were scammers as it seemed really obvious. I felt sorry for him and then offered to buy him lunch. We ate lunch together and later strolled to his place. That was how we became friends.

Meeting this friend has brought quite a lot of blessings, both tangible and intangible. The blessings are so numerous that I can't mention them all.
Through him, I've met a lot of other great people. I've learnt quite a lot from him. I still remember how he taught me one of our faculty courses in our 200 level. He has supported me in various ways and at various times.

Through him I came to know about hive and I've ever since been earning money for myself. I am quite happy and grateful to God for making our paths cross. It's been just bliss ever since.


Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed this writing and I hope to hear from you too. Thanks alot.

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