NEWBIES TASK 8 •//• Hive Harmony

It is another week of the newbie’s initiative task and it has been a pleasure learning more about Hive. I have learned a lot of things from this newbie initiative and with that I feel so glad to be part of the initiative.


Unfortunately, I couldn’t complete the meeting but I made sure to watch the video afterwards. This week’s meeting was centered on Hive connection and everything in between. This meeting was initiated by @starstrings01 and the speakers of the day were @depressedfuckup, @nkemakonam89 and we also have @vickoly to join us.

It was a really nice session that I enjoyed, I learnt some things from the meeting like some tips to build connections.

Recently, I have sensed myself building connections on Hive unlike the past few months I have spent on Hive, I have made quite a lot of friends that I don’t imagine myself having, even people who are not from my country.

I will be sharing with you some ways to build connections on Hive

Discuss some ways you can build strong connections on Hive, giving practical examples from your experience accompanied with screenshots.


Discord is a platform where you can connect to people who are on Hive. Initially, I was never a fan of Discord, in fact, it looks so complicated that I thought that I would never get used to it but starstrings01 told me that I would get used to it and also love it and he wasn’t wrong.

What made me become a “Discord person” was the newbie initiative, I never really used Discord for anything, although I joined some channels but I couldn't find myself talking there when I first joined the Smile channel which is the newbie’s initiative channel that was when I started chatting on discord with other newbies and also joining game night, I started getting familiar with discord.

And honestly, I can say that joining several discord channels is one of the best ways to build connections on Hive. @depressedfuckup also emphasised this, and how we can make a lot of friends from engaging outside Hive and friends from different countries. He also cited an example of how they can help in times of need.

I have been able to make friends from different discord channels and also the newbie initiative.



This is another way to build connections, I have made friends through this. Reading and engaging will draw two authors' attention to each other and through that you can build a connection. You might not actually have to talk with each other on a personal level but you have stylishly built a connection.

Now, it is not only limited to posts but also threads and others. Speaking of threads, I haven’t been active on there but I am working towards being active again. Back then, I remembered how I made friends with Caleb-marvel, I always commented on his threads, and with time we followed each other and now anytime we come across each other’s posts we engage.



When you start something good, you will most likely be known for it and besides, others will want to support and with that, you can build connections. When you start a project that is beneficial to the blockchain, soon, people will be aware of it and of course, be also aware of you.

Taking this newbie’s initiative program as an example, this is something I love and it is beneficial to the blockchain, I can easily recommend it to anyone I know who is new to Hive, in fact, I have recommended it to some people.

Make at least 4 meaningful and detailed comments on people’s posts, and create a conversation out of the post.


What is the difference between this type of detailed engagement and short comments like “nice post”?

The difference between a detailed comment and a short one is so obvious. A detailed comment shows that you read and understood what the content is about and you are conveying your thoughts or opinions about it.

A short comment just shows that you didn’t read the content well or you are too lazy to appreciate the content or even share your thoughts about it. Short comments are usually annoying too. Also, replying to comments made on your posts should not be short if needed. sometimes, people take time to make a detailed comment on your posts and all they get is “Yeah, thank you for reading”

What is something new that you’ll start doing now to connect with people and make friends on Hive?

I really want to engage more in other discord channels, looks like I have limited myself to a few channels, despite the fact that I joined a lot. I also want to be active on threads and engage with other authors there.

If there is something new I want to start doing, it is to make friends with people with newbies on hive and to make them free around Hive. I will make sure I follow their content and let them know that they are not alone and they have a friend here on Hive

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