...Beyond the four walls of a School.



Have you seen people who are very smart and exhibit this quality seemlessly and effortlessly? Smiles, the fascinating part of this is that most of these folks have little or no academic background at all.

Smiles...the truth is, a high level of intelligence is not a function of learning in school. There is really more to it. I will use myself as an example. I used to be very good when I was in my basic stage of learning in school then, I mean my primary and junior secondary school days.

I had to struggle to ensure that I made it to the top 3 in class every term because that was how we measured intelligence in my locality. I was brilliant (still brilliant...lols) because I wanted to measure up. So all effort was put into reading and burning the midnight candle just to prove a point.

I was doing well academically but then I discovered that when it comes to practical life situations, as young and brilliant as I was then, I was failing, I wasn't smart in that aspect. My parent discovered this and were suprised at how shallow my brain reacts and handle certain things outside English,maths and other elementary subject..lols common situation could make me go blank and clueless

But when it comes to stuffs related to what we are taught in school I had it all figured out because I had read and read syllabus and schemes that had existed before my father was even given birth to cover to cover. Seriously student from this part of this world are not suppose to fail school exams any longer if they are really serious because most of those topics have remained unchange since inception. There is nothing really new and tasking. This saddens me though.

So I would say I was just brilliant as far as school stuff was concerned but not intelligent. Most of my peers then were doing stuffs that were making my parent surprised and the interesting part is that these guys ain't even my match when it comes to school activities but then they were smarter in activities outside school where the knowledge I claim to have is needed

There's got to be more...

One day I sat down and started questioning some things about myself. How come these guys seems to know how to handle situations better than I do. I began to observe and then I discovered that although these guys seems to be low graders in school but then they are exposed and experienced.

They have learnt these things over time, they come across different life practical situations on daily everyday which is beyond what is being taught in school. Some of these things we learnt back then in school do not even have real life application any longer. What i mean is they are outdated.

I discovered that beyond what you're taught in school,you need to add to knowledge, you need to be exposed, learn how things are done beyond the four walls of the school. This is what I engaged that made me redeemed my image in the sight of my parent. I am still learning and developing myself even till tomorrow.

Should I shock you I started learning from the so called low graders, it's obvious they know better than I do when it comes to things that matter. Do I mean to say all I learnt in school was a total waste, hell no! We were taught valuable lessons there as well but it's never enough, you need to explore more lest you are limited.

So I learnt from them and added to what I have also have. We would not always be within the four walls of an institution all our lives. We need to keeping learning how and things work and how they are also applicable.



We need to task our brain and keep developing it by engaging it from time to time. We would be amazed at what it's capable of achieving. No man is born dull. If you find any, something went wrong somewherr and had affected the individual. The Holy Scripture says that God made everything and pronounced them good. None of his creation is short of his standard.

There is no limit to developing one's I.Q. A wise man once said that human have not been able to utilize over 5% of what their brain is capable of doing. I don't know how true, but I think the point is clear. I guess he is trying to say we human do not really maximize the use of this brain inspite of what it's capable of.

I would love to draw the curtain here. So much has been said, I just hope I have been able to pass a message across to you my readers. Thanks for your time. I do not take it for granted.

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