Reasons, I can stay away from mobile phone

Hello everyone!

I hope so you all are fine and happy 😊

In this modern era of technology and in modern era it's difficult to say that if someone don't know anything mobile phone, it was a great invention by Alexander graham bell but now it's very common that a baby of one or two years also know about it and want to use it for any thing he wants.

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

It's difficult to say that I don't use mobile phone, it's our basic needs for now a day's, especially smart phone is the need of everyone in now a day's. I use mobile phone on daily basis but still there's many day's or many times that i can't hold my phone in my hands.

Some proper reason for me to stay away from mobile phone

As there's number of reasons that i can stay away from mobile phone but now I'm going to mention some of them.

Home chores!!!

For me home chores is the bigger reason that i can stay away from it, and believe me home chores never goes to completion, well it's another thing that after completing a single task i checked my phone but sometimes if I'm more busy in these stuff than i forgot to check my phone. Especially if start to wash clothes including curtains of home than it's a busy day for me and i don't have time to check my phone.

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

My job!!

As some of you know that I'm a teacher, although i can use mobile phone there but i don't use it there because i like to spend my free time with students and also love to gossips with my staff. My job is the reason that my screen time is in control and it's in average due to job.

Why I don't prefer to use mobile phone at my job?

In my opinion, i shouldn't be used to of mobile phone that everywhere I'm using it, when i see other using mobile phone in public places too i feel bit worried that what happened fo next generation who are much addicted to cell phone. I think we should use it but in average range as other needs our time too.

Family get together's!!

I'm such type of person, who don't use mobile phone in family get together, i know we needs mobile phone to capture clips, but in this case i depend on my sister's and cousins who send pictures in our family group. Actually i spend time with family members and i enjoyed those moments in real rather than keep busy myself in capturing click's like a photographer. Last weekend we're busy in family ge together and i hardly get the time to check my phone and that's the main reason i wasn't available on hive in those Days.

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Some co curricular activities!!!

I love to play bedminton as it's my favourite game, i can play it whole day without the curious of checking my mobile phone but it needed two person go play bedminton. I'm good in playing bedminton.

I love to read books, and sometimes if I'm curious to read next pages of books than i can stay away from my mobile phone and complete a book in single sitting but problem is that now it's difficult to read a book in single sitting because I've to do some other chores too.

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