I can't say no to her

Hello everyone!!!!

I hope so you all are fine and happy 😀

As life has ups and downs and we don't know when we need shelter or we need helps from other. I think if we can help others in need than universe also made ways to help us in our needy time.

Image by Rinku Jareda from Pixabay

I know a lady since year's, she used to come to my house and she helps me in my home chores whenever I need someone. As she works in other home too and get paid for it. She not come to my home daily as she went to others house daily like a duty. But when i need her, like when I'm I'll and can't do chores, i call her and asked to help me in dish washing and in laundry.

Mostly i helped her financially as she's a poor lady and asks to me freely for help as she knows that i never said no to her.

She needs something different this time!!!!

On 24 December, she called to me and asked about my health and after that she asked to me for a stove or a burner, she asked if i had an extra stove than she need it in this winter. Actually she knows that I've had an extra stove at home and she just said to give it to me.

I used that stove too in Winter, as from past some year's we've gas problem here and heaters can't working well with low pressure of gas so i used to run that stove in my room to keel it warm but this year she demand that stove from me.

Image by 12019 from Pixabay

I asked you've your own stove too than why asking from me??? She told me the whole story and she said that she's living in rented house and she can't pay rent for some months and owner of that house locked the house with her thing's. And she needs some crockery and stove to spend some day's.

I can't say no to her and i said visit to me on Saturday and I'll give it to you. As i think she needs that stove more than me. Because if I want to warm myself in these winter's I've winter stuff to put on and it's not necessary to run a burner in room.

I can't explain how much she was happy when i just said okay you can come and take it from me. She always remember me in good word's, i actually support her and admire her because she try to support her family, she's working hard for the family and she's doing anything for family. And i always support those people who are hard working.

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Ending thoughts!!!!

Sometimes helping others doesn't mean that we always helping them by giving them money but sometimes we also have to give them our own thing's which we also need, but than we've to think that who needed it the most, they or us and we choose a better option.

  • That's all for today and it's also for this week hive learner contest for the topic #hl-w94e3 in #hl-exclusive

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