I always try to make them good Human's

Hello everyone!!!

I hope so you all are fine and happy 😃

Being a teacher it's not just our duty to provide information and knowledge to students from their curriculum but it's our responsibility to make them good human as much as possible. Student spend almost half day with teachers in school, college and university and I think a teacher can be a best guider if really he's a love to his profession.

something new happen each day

As mostly i shared different stories about my teaching profession with all of you, as obviously i also spent my half day with students and there's many students in class and each have different mind set. So almost there's a new story in classroom.

They bullied him!!!

I'm the incharge teacher of grade 6. Incharge teacher means you prepare result of your class, you take roll call of your students in first lecture and you're responsible of their proper uniform and many other things. Three months ago, a new student came in my class and his name is Rafay. He comes here from out of city and live with his grandparents to get education.

Image by Bhuwan Purohit from Pixabay

He's chubby boy actually and as he's a new student in class so no one wants to give him seat with them. I said them to sit with that boy as in initial day's i actually can't understand what was the matter?? I was thinking that i sort out the matter. But i was wrong. My student bullied him with wrong word's and they protest against him that you can't sit with us on bench.

They start to fight with him

One day, in break time a student of grade seven came to me and said teacher your students fights with each other, i was little worried to know this and i went to classroom. There's other teacher too but they didn't listen to that teacher. I see they all fought with that new student. I try to cool down and than I said I'm angry with all of you and now no one allowed to talk to me unless you teach some manners.

Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

Rafay said teacher I leave this school as students here are very bad and they always bullied me. I feel sorry for him. I said don't worry Rafay just wait and watch all of them will say you sorry. He said teacher I tried to make a friendship with them but they don't like me because I'm chubby and i take some extra seat on bench so no one like to sit with me. I really feel ashamed to know all that drama happening in my classroom.

How I take stand for him??

I know the weak point of my students and i know they can't live if i don't talk to them, so I stopped to talk with them and i only talk with Rafay, neither I give them lesson, nor i check their homework. One boy said teacher please check our homework, i said it's all rubbish to fill paper with blue ink when you don't know how to treat with new comer's, and I'm the wrong who think my class is good but you all disappointed me.

I just said these two or three lines to them and they feel sorry, and said sorry to Rafay too. In order to not happening it again, i accept their sorry but I don't talk to them and just give them lesson and check their homework, they noticed my behavior and they said teacher it'll not happen again.

After that day, it's been almost two months that now they live happily with each other, and Rafay love me more as sometimes he spent his break time with me too. He said teacher you're the best teacher and that make me smile.

Image by Kris from Pixabay

From here you can imagine it's teacher responsibility to make them good human and tell them what's right or wrong.

  • That's all for today and it's also my entry to this week hive learner contest in #hl-exclusive for #hl-w88e1.

Thank you for your time and support 💫🤍

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