Witnessing A remarkable historical event

Hello everyone!

Our history is full with many remarkable event's, and still people studied about those event's and sometimes we get lessons from it too. Some are positive event while some are negative event's.

Image by Thomas Ulrich from Pixabay

Today we've topic to write in hive learner about if we're the witness of one historical event than what it would be? Although my brain is so much interested in Hitler era in Germany while i want to share something positive in this article.

  • I want to witness about the fall of Berlin wall which held in November 1989

What was Berlin wall?

Is it only a normal wall which is made up of bricks or cement or it's any other thing? Actually it's not just a wall it's a barrier which separate west Berlin from east Berlin. It's construction started in 1961 and it remains till 1989 and then there's a great historical event of fall of Berlin wall. Berlin city is located in east Germany.

Image by Sarah Lötscher from Pixabay

Why there's a need to build Berlin wall?

After world war 2, America, France, England and Soviet union came in Germany and settled there. And when war is end than Germany and city of Berlin devided into 4 zones.

  • USA

  • France

  • Uk

  • USSR

Division of Berlin
Berlin also decided into many pieces. Especially there's a division of East Berlin and West Berlin. East Berlin under the control of USSR while west Berlin under the control of UK, France and USA. So there's a Berlin wall which encircle the whole west Berlin. Citizens of east Germany start to shift in west Germany so they start to construct the Berlin wall, people can't go on west Germany.

Berlin wall was famous in west Germany and people did graphics and art on wall but on the Eastern side people not allowed to go near to wall.

Image by bert bielefeld from Pixabay

But why there's a fall of Berlin wall?

Due to USSR policies the wall start to fall, because Soviet union say's that if something happens im easter side than we'll not send our armies or other type of help. Revolutions start in Germany and Eastern side become weaker than before and than it effects on other countries too.

Public start the protest in 1989 for their freedom and many other facilities which they need at that time and they want a change. Due to these protest their leader change but still they need something better.

Image by Ildigo from Pixabay

The majot factor

In November 1989, spoke person of east Germany announced that there'll be relaxation of travelling from east Germany to west Germany. After this announcement people start to cross the boarder of Berlin wall. And people start to break the wall with their own help and after two or three Days they'll be successful to break the wall.

And people start to celebrate the happiness to breakdown of Berlin wall.

Than Government of East Germany start to removed the wall officially and finish this barrier among the east and west Berlin.

Lessons I learned from this fall of Berlin wall!

If I witness the fall of Berlin wall, than I surely say that it's a great positive event in history which brings together both east and west Berlin. And again they're a one country. I surprised to see the encouragement of people who protest to change the situation of country and their enthusiasm to change something bring a revolutionary change which is very remarkable. People can do everything but condition is that they should focus on one goal.

Fall of Berlin wall bring happiness, unity in people of Berlin or Germany and due to this cold war also end in early 90's which is also a symbolic change in history.

Important Note:

Information in this article about Berlin wall and fall of Berlin wall is the knowledge which i get from some historical books and especially from historical lecture. If I'm wrong in any point, than you're always welcome to correct my mistake.

At the end, I know today Germany is changed, and people are also change but that's the reason i want to visit Germany once in my life because i think there's a lot of historical event placed in Germany.

That's all for today and it's my entry in hive learner topic in #hl-exclusive in #hl-w74e2

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