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Hello Learners, trust everyone is fine.

Today I'll be sharing with you one of my life's craziest experiences that happened while I was still in secondary school(high school). This is the first time I'm sharing it on any social platform. Kindly stay tuned.

I was a social butterfly and a people's guy during my high school days. Ever ready to mingle and jest. For the record, I was chosen against a Voted candidate within two weeks of my admission for the position of class representative... Lmao
I mean students pointed me out as who they wanted as their class captain over those who showed interest and were voted for. It was just too easy for me to make friends, perhaps that's because I attended a single-gender school (Boys only).

This fame sure got me into lots of trouble both with my so-called friends and school authorities especially when a teacher demanded that I write a list of class disturbances (Noisemaker). There are days I just include my name in the list to avoid the anger of my friends. But sometimes it's a kind of frenzy experience having everybody call your name left, right and centre. It's can be Crazy 🤪

There's this annual sports competition my school usually hold around February each year; Inter-house sport. It's nice participating in these activities for your different houses so every student is usually up for these events, especially on the final day.

The finals usually include match parades in presence of dignitaries, stakeholders, government officials, parents, and students from various schools around us who come over to watch and celebrate with us. There are usually no class activities and students are permitted to be in sports wears or any clothes they desired since they're not participating in the final sports activities.

I was in my 3rd year in my school and the highest class at the Junior level( JSS3 in Nigeria's school system of classification). So together with my clique, we planned to have a wild outing to that event that year and that started with our outfit to the event.

I decided to look unique and started sourcing for unique attire to put on. Fortunately for me, I followed my mom to market one day and we pass by a boutique where they sell London used cloth that's where I sighted a used but still okay Military Karki. I pressure my mummy to get the complete outfit for me which she did, how crazy 🤪! I was excited. The camo was oversized so I took it for amendments and made it fit.

The D day, I put on my Military uniform and out I go. Everywhere I passed I noticed everyone gazed at me and adjust. I entered the school and there was a wild reaction to my outfit some people couldn't even recognise me from afar. And since there were lots of unknown faces around I decided to walk majestically, most of them don't even know my true identity. I was present at match past, I was present at the field event my crush came and took a picture with me... It was a nice feeling.

After three hours, I decided to pass in front of the dignitaries sitting and that's where I met my Waterloo 😢. Some angry looking military guard approached me, they had been with one of the government officials Hon. Akeem is a house of the representative member and a friend to my Dad. It didn't take them long to discover that I was an imposter and immediately they ordered me to remove the uniform and started kicking me. I was brutally kicked and flogged belt. I tried to run but they come after me and kicked me down... One of my Toes nails break in the process and I was seriously injured. THEY HAD THOUGHT I WAS SENT BY AN INSURGENT 😢

The way and manner in which these military men dealt with me attracted the attention of onlookers and I was surrounded. At that time My school principal and some dignitaries stood to see what the problem was and there I was crying and bleeding. It didn't take Hon. Akeem too long to notice me so he called my name and I answered. The military men were surprised their boss could know me. He instructed them to stop kicking me and take me immediately to a nearby hospital.

I was taken in my principal Car to the general hospital where I was admitted immediately and was scanned to know if I have been fractured anywhere. The news got home and I was told my mom fainted.

I spent three days in the hospital, after which I was taken home. I resumed school after a week and my principal called me to the assembly and make me a reference of bad conduct and the consequences.

I was suspended till further notice but my Dad and Hon. Akeem interfered so I was given a week's suspension instead.

Since that day, I never mistakenly put on anything in the colour of a Military uniform, not even a look-alike sweater.

Big thanks to the Hive learners community for allowing me to share my experience on their platform.

Thank you for your time.

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