Working on this for now

I am surprised that a lot of people in this community are teachers, at least that's what I observed from the posts that I read as 4 out of 5 people said they are teachers. Teaching is one profession that I respect a lot but I would rather not be in because it is incredibly stressful, especially if you're dealing with children still in primary school or kindergarten (this one is worse). But again it depends on what you're teaching because I actually enjoyed it when I was a teacher in a computer school.

I have never really liked the idea of 9-5 jobs that involve going out every day but I later realised that it's almost impossible to not fall into that world unless you're from a very rich home (which I am not). I recently graduated from the university and since then I have just been at home mostly relying on Hive for income but also working on some future profession (more on that later). When I was in the university, I got contracts to work on fish farms during the weekend (I studied Fisheries).

The farm manager of my department's fish farm usually sends me and 2 of my friends to different farms on most weekends to do one task or the other and we get paid for it. I never really enjoyed that line of work but the pay is good and the work is sometimes very easy. Anyway, now that I have graduated, I know that 2 options are waiting for me; work on someone's farm or set up mine. I prefer the latter option but that requires a lot of money and I actually prefer something else; programming.

Specifically, I'm focused on web development but I am not yet working professionally because I am still learning. The picture above is one of the web pages I built some years back (view it live here, although it's not functional). There are lots of other fields in programming, like mobile app development (Focused on building mobile apps like the ecency app), game development (programming of video games like Candy Crush or Call of Duty), Artificial intelligence and machine learning (think chatGPT 😉), and a host of others. A person who does web development is called a web developer and what do we do?

We create websites and web applications using tools like HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Think of the creation of a website as the building of a house; HTML is the structure of the house itself (the blocks/bricks, the doors, the windows, etc), CSS is the paint and decorations (things to make the house look pretty and colourful) while JavaScript is the interactions you do in the house (like flipping a switch to put on or off the lights). HTML is responsible for the texts you're seeing now, CSS is the various colours on this page while JavaScript is responsible for what happens when you click on the upvote button on this post.

It is very boring, right? But I absolutely love it! It's very interesting to see how the Internet works, and how different things on a website or app come together to create something magical. I have worked on a lot of personal projects and the calculator in the picture above is the latest one I worked on recently. That calculator took me over 2 weeks to complete and I felt like giving up at some point but the feeling of satisfaction that came after completing it was the best I have ever felt. You can check out the full calculator app here and feel free to tell me about anything weird you notice.

For now, I still have a couple of programming languages to learn before I am ready to start applying for jobs and I plan on doing that before this year ends. That's mostly why I didn't bother to go look for an offline job because I won't have time for programming anymore. I have a lot on my plate even now that I'm only blogging on Hive and it's indeed stressful to combine it with programming. There's a reason why there aren't a lot of programmers on this platform who are active like me, it can be very mentally draining but it's the life we chose. My goal is to secure a fully remote job or hybrid (remote + on-site) which is pretty common in the tech field.

Thanks for reading

Connect with me on:
Twitter: @kushyzeena
Readcash: @kushyzee

Lead image: Image by senivpetro on Freepik
Edited with Canva
Other images are personal screenshots
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