Paternity leave: probably a good idea

Maternity leave is a phrase we have all heard being used much often, especially in the corporate world and it's a time when mothers are given the much-needed space to recover from childbirth and take care of their newborn child. I mean, it does make sense this way because the child is still at a very fragile stage and requires full attention, which is something that won't be possible when the mother is still at work unless she ignores her tasks and focuses on taking care of her child, which is pretty much the same as just staying back home.

Aside from that, we all know what women pass through during childbirth, and some even have to go through cesarean section just to bring out the baby, so it's a good idea to give them some days off to recover. Now, here comes the father's role in all of this, should he also be accorded the same leave? I have never actually thought about paternity leave as a thing because when we think of taking care of a baby, the mother is usually the first that comes to mind, even though the father does assist.

One reason why I think this is a good idea is so that the father can support his wife with things around the house. As I stated earlier, childbirth is physically and emotionally exhausting, so having the man at home can help to offset some of the responsibilities. But I guess that's not needed here in Nigeria because of something called "omugwo". It's an Igbo word that means when a family member (typically the mother's or father's mother) takes care of the new mother and her baby. They stay with the family for up to a month, helping out with chores around the house, while the new mother rests.

I won't really think much about the father having the opportunity to bond with the baby because that can be done when he comes back from work unless it's a situation where he works in another city or he closes very late from work that by the time he comes home, the baby is already sleeping. The major reason why I feel paternity leave is probably not a good idea is because when you think about the primary role of the father, it's to continue working and ensure financial stability for the family.

So, I believe there should be paternity leave but it shouldn't be on the same level as maternity leave. The paternity leave can last for maybe a week or 2, and if it's in a situation where the father works in another city, then it can be up to a month. Also, even after the short paternity leave, the employer can implement a rule that allows the father to leave early from work, maybe 2 hours earlier than the usual closing time. This can be done for 6 to 8 weeks, which I believe is a fair amount of time

This compromise is good enough for both the employer and the new father but it's an entirely different story if the father is the owner of the business and it's a one-man business, maybe a trader. In that case, paternity leave won't make much sense, considering the father still needs to keep making money to take care of the new child, considering how expensive it is to take care of one (think about the cost of diapers and baby food). In the end, paternity leave is a good idea but it should be done in a way that won't affect the income of the family.

Thanks for reading

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