The traits I don't like


The truth remains that no matter how we try to be sociable, lovable by all, and wanting to like everyone and everything, there are some basic things we dislike so differently, and it's very natural.
For me, I have a lot of them, and in this context, I'm going to share some of them.

Vocal loudness trait(loudmouthedness):

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Maybe it's because I'm a very quiet person and don't shout while talking. It gives me a deep headache whenever I hear someone talking so loudly that people in the neighboring block can hear them. I have many such people in my current place of residence, and each time they start, I keep asking myself if this is how God created them or if they just picked up the habit due to happiness in their mood or something else.

There's a lady, very beautiful, but when she starts talking, her natural beauty vanishes because of how loud she sounds. Her loud talks have a way of twisting her face in a funny way whenever she's talking. It gets worse whenever she's on a phone call with her family members and speaking their native language. Oh my God! The scene is always disgusting.
It's not like I hate her; it's just that the way she talks puts me off.

Very, very secretive people:
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Yeah, I know it's good to keep secrets, which in one way or another, we are all involved in. But when it becomes excessive, it puts me off. Don't get me wrong yet; let me give you a clear scenario of what I'm talking about:

There's a guy in my WhatsApp group chat, and anytime he comes to my DM for inquiries, he puts up some irrelevant coverings, and it makes me wonder.
I was bearing it and didn't want to tell him to stop acting excessively in my DM because I didn't need any of his personal details on the screenshots he normally brought. But one day, I lost it, and I had to talk a little sense into him. He was to make a screenshot of a dashboard of a site for me. He did it, and while sending it, he blurred the ID number, which was his WhatsApp number as well, and to make it worse, he sent it as a one-time view.

When I saw it, I went to my account, traced his account because it's accessible to everyone, and I made the screenshot of his dashboard with the number he was covering and sent it to him. I pointed out to him that the ID he was hiding is his WhatsApp number, which he was using to chat with me. If I wanted to harm him, I could do that easily.

I hate this habit to the core!

Some people in this blockchain, if you ask them to make a screenshot of their first layer wallet, they blur the part having the balance, and that's a foolish act of secrecy because it's accessible and seeable by anyone. So why cover it?
Sometimes, it's not just about secrecy but foolishness too, and it sucks!

Let me drop my pen here because it seems I'm pouring out much 😅

Oh, how I am coping with such traits around me?

I try as much as possible to avoid them. That's just it.

Thanks for reading.

This is my entry to the Week 119, Edition 01 of the Weekly Featured contest in Hive Learners Community

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