Earn As You Want


Just yesterday (20th August 2024) around evening when I was winding up to go to my house, I don’t know what led me to check a particular wallet of an account on this Blockchain, and my mouth opened wide in shock when I saw the earnings from HBD savings in the account for just two days. All I could tell the person close to me at that moment was, “Guy, it’s well ooo! While most of us are struggling to earn $0.8 a day, some people are making $1,000 in just a day. This world is not balanced!"

Honestly, at that moment, I felt really cheated because the money in the pool of this platform could finish soon if people keep sucking it like that, lol. 😅 But on the other hand, I realized that it’s actually a free world, and anyone who wants to earn like that can go ahead, and there’s nothing holding them back.
That’s the absolute truth, and I love it like that because if I were in a position to earn $1,000 a day, I wouldn’t think of it as an offense or cheating.

The world as it is, has been operating on the principle of survival of the fittest. Those with more resources can conquer anything, and obtaining such power is open to everyone, which makes it fair enough. So, if one wants to stay in the same spot or climb higher to obtain the power to control things, it’s absolutely their decision. The same concept applies to the global economy: if you want to hit it big, you’re free to go for it if you have the strength to sustain you until you get there.

I wouldn’t support the idea of opposing 'the rich getting richer' because wealth is meant for everyone who is willing to do what the rich did( and are still doing). For example, we have people with 1,000,000 HBD in their savings wallet, which is earning them a good amount of money. As long as they were able to put up such money there, they’ll continue to earn, and this opportunity is open to everyone. If you want to earn like them, then put in the same amount of money and earn.

Limiting or fixing the amount someone can earn is more like telling a living soul when to die. Do you know that life is sweeter when one doesn’t know when they’re going to die? This is what keeps us pushing and living, smashing goals, and jumping hurdles.

If there were a fixed earning limit for everyone, can you imagine what would have happened to the world? Laziness would strike hard because people wouldn’t find it interesting to engage in work, knowing they are not going to get paid once they’ve reached their earning limit.

I stand with this current system. Let he who wants to earn and fill his room, and has the capacity to do so, let him earn!

This is my entry to the Week 128, Edition 02 of the Weekly Featured contest in Hive Learners Community

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