According to the law DNA is not the only criteria to determine the paternity of a child. As a matter of fact, the Nigerian law states that any child born within the duration of a marriage is by law the child of the couple whether biologically or not. My sister once played a prank on my little brother by telling him she was adopted and instantly he started crying saying he doesn't have a sister. It took everything to convince him that it was a prank. I wasn't there though, but if I was there, I wouldn't try to convince him that it was a prank, instead I would convince him that family is more than blood. If we can all understand this, we will save ourselves a lot of heartaches. I see the pain a lot of people go through after discovering their true paternity and I ask myself why put yourself through the pain.

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A lot of the time it's our understanding that makes the difference. If my parents should tell me right now that I was adopted, I wouldn't get angry at all, unless I discover that they intentionally separated me from my biological family with evil intentions. Apart from that, there is no reason to be sad. Even if I discover that my real family is Bill Gates, I am proud of the man I am, even though it was not all rosy, I know my parents did the best they could as they understood. The highest I will be is inquisitive to the reason my biological parents decided they didn't want me as a child, and even after finding my biological parents I would only have one true parent and that is with those who saw me through my worst and best as I grew in every stage of life.

Funny as a child there was a time I wished my parents would tell me I was adopted so I could go to my real parents. This wish came in times when I got scolded for doing something wrong. In the state of all those tears I would be playing my Nollywood drama in my head, seeing my biological parents fly from overseas to find their long lost child who just happens to be me. I created a lot of scenarios, from using the birthmark on my body to identify a family gene to running a DNA test to confirm the partanity. Those childhood anger made me wish for things I would only laugh about now. As much as I was angry and wanted to leave then, the whole essence was so my parents would see me and beg me to stay and show me more love than they showed me then. I was just a child seeking attention.

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Even then, as much as I thought about it, it all ended up with a fixed point of me coming back home and getting all the love I wanted. Now that I am a man I am not seeking attention from daddy and mummy but rather support. And truth be told the chances of me going to my real parents is 3/10 because it would take a lot of convincing to make me believe that they ever for one moment wanted me in their lives. In my opinion, if you didn't want me then, you can't have me now. But if they are rich, and they are offering me wealth, I can't say I would take it or refuse, but one thing is certain, any decision I would take would be for my immediate family.


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