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My Favorite Sports : Soccer

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It is good to be back into the contest, Which was given to us by our organizers. I am always glad when a topic is been dropped on #contest-announcement on Discord. Today, I will talking about soccer, I know many of us are familiar with soccer, I will be talking about that same soccer today and I am sure you all will like what you read.

Tell us about that sport you love watching or playing. Tell us a little bit about it and how it is played. And tell us why you enjoy it so much.

I know many of us on the newbies community will be a football fan and will love to talk about soccer, I would love to do different, but how can I do different when what i really know is soccer, seat back and enjoy as you read.

Soccer is a game played by eleven person's the Goal Keeper, Defenders, Midfielders, Wingers, Forwarders and strikers which makes them a complete team.football_4714395_480.jpg
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Soccer is a game played in a Green Grass field with a goal post at each ends. This is more like an advanced definition, I will give the layman's definition, it is a stadium made of Green Grass and it is filled with thousands of seats for the fans to watch.stadium_g4f1a51248_1920.jpg
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The main objective of soccer it is to move the ball or push the ball of the pitch towards the goal post of your opponent in the soccer game. A soccer game is made up of a 90minute game and that is even for a standard game, it is splited Into two's first half 45min and second half 45min.

This are rules we might know already but i love to state them out for a proper write up below;

• No hand balls : if a hand ball is done is done out the field it will be a yellow card, but if done in the box 18 that would be a penalty

• Throw-in : This happens when a ball goes off the line in the field.

• Corner kicks & Goal Kicks

• Fouls

• Direct & Indirect kicks

• Penalty Kicks

This are the list of the rules, I can remember and i could only elaborate some because some are alike a Little.


This is the best part of the question, I love soccer because it is entertaining and fun, it is very addictive too and most of all it brings people together this the main reason why I do like it soccer brings the world together that is what made it more special than other sports.

That's all for today, My review about soccer games and why I love it , I hope i was elaborate enough for y'all to understand thanks for stopping to read.

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