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I Didn't Play Safe The Risk Was Worth Taking

Honestly life as a whole is a risk on it's own while i was a little boy i have always have the mentality that life itself is a big risk, I have not for one day feel that life was an easy game because life it gave me my fair share but i conquered at the end but that is not what I am here to talk about i am here to share to y'all how i had to take a big risk of my life.

Sammie Chaffin

Sometimes people are very afraid to take risk, I don't blame them for that believe because if you are in the league of those people that play bet9ja then you will get to really understand what risking is i am not into that at least not any more but life taught me a harder way of risking things there was a time i had to risk my lunch for my little cousin just so he will eat that day.

It was not easy but i had to take a risk like that if not he might just be hungry and something worse might just happen i could manage but could he NO, but that is by the way my main story about my risk haven't been told yet which I am going to Tell y'all in the next post below.

𝐌𝐲 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐤 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲

Most times safety doesn't pay it is Even the weakest factor and I'll explain why I said so risk taking is the way.

Loic Leray

There was a time in my life I had to walk round Lagos just to make ends meet, I was doing sales job if you know you Know then I will have to go round just to sell that product then it was called Dido soya beans milk mix it was said to be an advanced way of using soya beans as beverage. I was even happy to know such but I was not ready to suffer.

If you know sales job very well i guess I don't need to tell you the kind of hell that is involved with it lol anyways i would have to walk round just to make sales because it was based on target and if I can not meet target then I won't get paid completely. Funny enough i was making sales based on my style of marketing i add a little of comedy to it and that is how I meet my target but the job was so much stressful my colleague are even ready to quit.

I was the one telling them not to that all will be fine but to be really honest with you it was very bad job and stressful the sun at that time was so hot that it gives one a malaria and typhoid. I was the one trying to play safe when I told my colleagues to stay not knowing I was deceiving my self by staying in that job that was just draining my blood and just making my health worse.

This was what i did I told my own supervisor that i want out and he was like no why will you say that i should not leave that he got plan for me that he wants to make me a supervisor I knew immediately that it was a scam then i said ok it was just one morning I was on the bed thinking that if I stop this job where am I going to find a good job.

This was the question i was just asking myself on the bed then i had a second thought about it i did not stand up from the bed to go prepare for that he'll work that was how i stopped the sales job though i had to wait for about 2yr before i saw a new job but trust me my new job was the best i did not have to walk under the sun. We got A.C working all day and it wasn't even looking like i did a very stressed job before that all my body became fresh.

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐌𝐲 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐤 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐎𝐮𝐭

Taking that risk was the best of choices i ever made in my whole life. Because I am pretty sure if I had not taken that risk maybe i would have been jobless up until now, It is said that everything that happens it happens for a reason and i guess my risk taking helped me with that because it made meet my present employer.

So trust me the choice i made to take that risk it what brought me to the comfort i am in today and trust me If i have of make such of a choice again i will do it and I know it will bring forth another good thing to me and more, more blessing this time.

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