My Phone’s Junk Drawer

I started using a cellphone when I entered Junior secondary school 3. Before then, I had been relying on my siblings’ phones. Sometimes they willingly let me play video games on their phones and other times, I had to run errands before they allowed me to. My first ever cell phone wasn't a birthday gift; it was given to me by my brother. He got a brand new phone and decided to pass the old one down to me. Before I started using a cell phone, I had already been fantasizing about the apps, especially games I'd load it with. And when I finally got one, I loaded it with numerous games; Score Hero, Zombie highway, plant vs zombie, farm frenzy, and many football games.

I spent most of my day playing games. It made my mom so livid that she sized my phone multiple times and I had to beg to get it back. Oh! I also had Facebook. It was the only social media platform on my phone. My device was always boiling with many apps, 95% of which were gaming apps. Back then, I was a big fan of games that I never imagined stopping. I once wondered what my day would be like without video games.

As I grew older, I realized that we lose interest in certain things as we mature. I had more than 20 games on my phone, but now, the only game I have on my phone is Lichess, an app where I play online chess. Who would've thought my interest in games would diminish? When we were younger, all we cared about was playing video games, having fun, and getting good grades. However, as we grow older we realize that life is indeed more than that and we need to put in the effort to make the best out of it. Currently, most of the apps I have on my phone are useful ones.

"What are the useless apps on my phone?" I read this out loud several times when I saw today's Hive Learners' prompt? "Do I have useless apps on my phone?" I thought to myself. One thing iPhone users struggle with is low storage, and that is why I try as much as I can not to have useless apps on my iPhone. Recently, my phone started misbehaving because of storage issues and I had to delete some videos and uninstall a few apps. Some of the apps I deleted were not completely useless, but I had to get rid of them for the time being.


As I mentioned earlier, I try as much as I can to only install necessary apps. Initially, I was certain that I had no useless app on my cell phone until I checked and confirmed that there are two useless apps living in my cell phone without paying rent. The most annoying thing is that I recently uninstalled some important apps to free up space, when I could have removed those instead.

Zenith Bank Mobile App

Zenith bank, my first-ever bank account. My mom uses Zenith bank and introduced it to me. However, two years ago, my country faced a turmoil; all the bank apps stopped working, Zenith bank was no exception. The government attempted to replace the old currency with new ones, putting a stop to the circulation of old notes. The move became a failed project and almost turned the country upside down. Then, mobile bank apps came to the rescue. I stopped using Zenith bank and hopped on a mobile app; Opay. The last time I used Zenith bank was a year ago, and somehow, I still have the app on my phone.

If we don't catch like two Zenith bank’s managers, tie them to a tree and give them the whooping of their lives, the rest will not listen. Because tell me why Zenith bank has continued to deduct my money from my account despite the fact that I stopped using their bank more than a year ago. Before I stopped I had little money there, not only have they deducted all the money, but now I’m even in debt to them. Yesterday, they charged card maintenance fee and I saw that I am now owing them #154. Well done, Zenith Bank. Well done. Your reward is in heaven because I won’t be paying that money.


I remember that I installed messenger to reach out to an old friend. However, I ended up reaching out to the friend through another app. I'm not sure I remember my login details. Luckily, I saved it on my phone. if the need comes. I'll access it.

These are the two useless apps on my phone. If I got rid of them, it would not affect my life in any way.

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