Money Cannot Buy Love, But It Can Increase The Chances Of Finding Love


Hello everyone in the wonderful hive family. I hope you are all doing well. Once again, I’m grateful to the hive learners’ family for their wonderful initiatives.

The hive learners’ community has again presented us with another amazing topic and I’m glad to be participating in it.

What is love?


Love is one of the best feelings one can ever experience. When you love someone, you feel protected and secure when you're with the person. You share your feelings and your biggest fears. Love is a feeling of care and affection towards another person.

Can money buy love? In all truth and sincerity, I love money. My friends love money. Do you think if we aren’t making money on this blockchain, people will stay? Maybe some will stay, but a lot of people will surely leave. Nobody likes being poor. There’s no nobility in poverty. Money can get you a lot of things; big cars, mansions, private jets, your own private army, a cute dog, good health, so many things, just name it. But can money buy love?

Gone are those days when relationships survived thick and thin without money. Those days, money wasn’t an important factor in keeping a relationship. Partners loved each other, not because of what they had in their pockets, but because of their pure intentions.
In the world we are today, things are different. Very different. Let’s face reality. Imagine this; A boy was born into a family. They weren’t rich, but at least they could afford 3 meals daily. Three years later, his father got involved in a terrible accident and lost both his legs. His father lost his job due to the accident. Things became very hard for the family. The boy had to hawk and do so many menial jobs to pay his school fees. His mother also worked tirelessly from morning till night.

The boy made it through primary school. Things were not easy but he was determined. He made it into the university and graduated with a second-class upper. His country’s economy was very bad so he couldn’t get a job. After applying for different jobs, he finally decided to work as a teacher where he got paid 10 thousand nairas every month. He couldn’t get a house, so he stayed with his parents. At the end of the month, he divided his salary into two and gave half of it to his parents. He had only two pairs of suits which he interchanges randomly.

Now, do you think it would be easy for him to find love?

After about 2 years of struggling, he finally got a good job that paid very well. After three years, he rose to the post of a manager. He built a very big house, bought nice clothes and built a big house for his parents. He and his family’s lifestyle changed completely.

Comparing his life now and how it was when he was poor, what version of him do you think has a higher possibility of finding love? Don’t quote me wrong. I’m not saying he wouldn’t be able to find true love when he was poor. But trust me, it’d be hard. Very hard. There are a lot of people that don’t care about your money. They stay with you because they truly love you, not because of what you have in your bank account. But it is very rare to come by people with such a pure heart in the generation we are today.

Yes, I agree that love is not a commodity. Love is not cars, Rolexes, or expensive shoes. Money cannot buy love, but it can increase the chances of finding love. There’s another way to put this; money cannot buy true love, but it can buy fake love. Yes, I’m talking about the gold diggers. I’m sure some of us know about Nate Got Keys, a well-known YouTuber. He pranks people by exposing gold-diggers. He dresses up like a poor man and tries to talk to ladies (high-class) ladies. Eventually, they turn him down. But after a few minutes, he changes into something expensive and gets into his car (expensive car). Then when he tries talking to them, they accept him.

Let’s face reality, nobody wants to settle for less. Money makes life better and easier, and as humans, we tend to like it when we find ourselves in a better and easier situation; a healthy lifestyle and a comfortable lifestyle.

Ps: The example I cited above is fictitious. If you think it is related to you, someone you know, or someone on hive, it is probably your mind messing with you.

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