Everyone Calls Me Weird

Hello everyone in the wonderful hive blockchain. I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the weather wherever you are.

Today is another glorious Sunday, and you know what that means? Another edition of the creative Sunday.

In today’s edition, I decided to do something different. Initially, I planned to prepare a Nigerian dish, but sadly things didn't go as planned.

Below is a poem I wrote. I’m so glad to be able to share it in today’s edition of creative Sunday.


Everyone calls me weird
They say I'm floppy, sick, and slow
They say I have a weird smile
They say I talk too fast and yet too slow

Why can't I think clearly?
Why does it feel like I'm losing it
Why do I feel tired?
Why do I have to explain myself for everything I do?

Well, I have come to a conclusion
I figure the opinion of many matters not
No matter how hard you try, you can’t satisfy them
They will always try to find the flaws in you

But what makes me strong?
What is my secret?
What keeps me going?
The fact that I know and go beyond their expectations

Why must I seek the opinion of others?
Why must I let their meaningless words weigh me down?
Why must I smile awkwardly just to please them?
Why must I hurt myself to make them happy?

I Favour, with pain in my heart and tears in my eyes
Never again will I take this from anybody.

What inspired me to write this poem?
Last week, the hive learners community presented us with some nice topics. “That one thing” was one of the nice topics. We were asked to talk about that one thing that we don’t do but everyone else around us does. I was glad because I got to read entries from a lot of people. And one thing I noticed is that most of them are weird, or they think they are weird because of what people tell them. Don’t you think it is okay to be different?

The world we live in is so messed up. People want you to be perfect (and they themselves are not even perfect). They want you to be flawless. They pinpoint your flaws and make jokes about them. They use your weakness against you.

They complain about every little thing you do that they don’t like. They feel you’re of no good and not up to their standards. They call you weird just because you like staying indoors. They call you weird because you make mistakes. Who isn’t bound to make mistakes?

Well, I have come to the conclusion that humans will always be humans and that you can’t do anything to satisfy them. They’ll always point out and joke about your insecurities. They’ll always try as much as possible to find your flaws. Why? Because they are humans.

The best thing to do is to ignore them and keep living your life. Their opinions about you are useless. Don’t change just to make them happy, your happiness matters too.

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