Where will your "like or upvote" go?

Hi Hive Lovers

"The same colors will go to the same color pile"

If you pay attention, you can judge which way all the likes or upvotes flow and accumulate somewhere. It happens on almost all types of social media platforms, even within #HiveBlockchain.

My assumption is that someone gives their likes or upvotes to get a share of the profits because of the potential for a pile to grow, that is, when the direction of the number of likes or upvotes and or the number of people upvoting is heading.

As it is, they are not important unless they benefit you.

3 assumptions of the flow direction of likes or upvotes:

1st assumption

For the most part, likes or upvotes are flowing and leading to great posts, and henceforth they will become trending. Generally, this happens because a heavy stream of upvotes is happening on a post, and everyone immediately joins in by giving their likes and upvotes to that post.

2nd assumption

In a small part too, the likes or upvotes flow and go because of the big name of someone who is there. The reputation number or the level of resources that a person has is also an attractive pull factor for someone to act by sending their likes or upvotes to those who have a high reputation and a high level of resources.

3rd assumption

For the most part, likes or upvotes flow and go to posts by someone who already has a relationship with and attachment to one another. It's like you upvote my posts, so I will also do the same thing and upvote your posts.

The view on the first assumption and on the second assumption, still around someone when they give their likes or upvotes, is to get a share of the profits because of the potential for the growing pile of likes or upvotes on a post.
... or are you hoping to be noticed or looking for attention?

Meanwhile, the third assumption is limited to maintaining mutual engagement and mutual respect for one another. Their likes or upvotes are not oriented towards getting a share of the profits from trending a post.

You all have the right to do or not to do. The right to like or upvote a post that is crossing your homepage, but behind that, every post also has the right to receive appreciation.

The truth is, appreciating a post is because a post is a really great post with #character, #quality, #originality, #uniqueness, and the amount of #effort someone put into producing those quality posts.

It's like going round and round and piling up every color in a Rubik's cube that is being played. The same colors will go to the same color pile. Each side of the Rubik's Cube must be the same color. That's the rule there.

Our interaction depends on passion; the same passion will unite us like the colors in the Rubik's cube game. But other things can also unite us, like the quality of a post. A quality post will get everyone there to flock to it by liking or upvoting it.

We have a responsibility to promote every great and quality post. Of course, everyone has their own criteria for liking or upvoting a post.

I tend to choose to raise great and quality posts; as I have mentioned in the paragraph above, they are posts with character, originality, uniqueness, and the amount of effort put into them.

However, someone who has the same passion as me and who is already engaged with me will also get their own place in my appreciation selection criteria.

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