Hello HIVEANS!! Do you remember me? My name is Jumbo Josephine aka Joseyjayy. Today is my 4th day on Hive,and yes I’m counting😂…..because I’m so excited to be here. I am learning alot!
Do you want to know more about me? I’m guessing the answer is yes because I want to know more about you too. Let’s get to it;untitled.gif

    One of the worst parts of living in the 21st century is the pace of life. It seems like there is never enough hours in a day to get everything accomplished. In order to beat time, sometimes, we forget we should enjoy ourselves once in a while. 

This is where HOBBIES come in;

According to Wikipedia, A hobby is considered to be a regular activity that is done for enjoyment, typically during one's leisure time. There are lots of positive effects that hobbies have such as; stress relief, social interaction, personal growth, self confidence, productivity and lots more.

This was designed by me using Canva
The image above shows my hobbies; Let’s talk about them👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽

    If I wasn’t in medical school, I will definitely be a photographer. I think photography changes life; this sounds like a big claim but think about it 🤔. When we want to get vivid memories of past events we go back to the pictures we took. I love capturing beauty at the moment because I think it is a best way to explore the world. I love playing around with lighting, angles and shadows. Whenever I see something beautiful I bring out my phone or camera and take pictures of it sharp sharp😂. Taking pictures is savoring life honestly. Through taking pictures I have gotten to change people’s perception of themselves. Below are some of my shots;

FE9040B6-D8EC-434F-992D-DA351E462598.jpeg I call this picture the dark blue sky

CAED91CA-5C12-4BB5-92FC-1E41311EACDA.jpeg This is my friend, her name is Miriam


A26EE9E7-3595-4742-A0B9-CF5D9675E258.jpeg This is me during a shoot

Volunteering is a voluntary act of an individual or group freely giving time and labour for community service. Volunteering is my most intentional hobbies because it has to do with impacting lives. I do not volunteer on my own but I am part of a volunteering network in Portharcourt, Nigeria called 360volunter network. We set a monthly goal, work towards it and achieve it. During volunteering, I have seen the other sides of life.There are lots of ignorant people in the world even though they have a formal education, volunteering gives me the opportunity to enlighten people and make the world a better place with my own little contribution.

Sports! I suggest everyone should be interested in one sport or the other because exercise is very beneficial for our hearts. Do you play a sport?? If you do what sport do you play?
I play volleyball. Why did I choose volleyball? Initially I was interested in basketball but apparently I can’t even grip the ball not even bounce too (don’t laugh at me 👀). Volleyball is a very fun sport and it doesn’t discriminate. If you are tall, short, fat, thin or whatever, you too can play you just have to learn the skills.

5A7AEC25-D7CB-4F54-9BAB-C9E4BCEFC277.jpeg This is me and my best friend heading back from the game of volleyball
These pictures were taken by me while I was resting from a game of volleyball

    Because I am in the medical field, reading automatically became my hobby but most times reading to pass exams is different from reading for fun.I’m a big supporter of relaxing with a good book. Amidst my tight schedule, I still find the time to sit down with a book and start exploring new universes. Each book is a new life lived!


    Research has found out that listening to music is healing. It eases and calms my mind and reduces my anxiety. Music is my SAFE SPACE. I have loved music since I was a child, I remember being part of the orchestra while I was in junior secondary school. I played the violin. I do not know how to sing but I know a good sound when I hear one. Music is my escape. Music makes me happy, whenever I’m sad and I listen to music, I get better again. It works like magic. I listen to all genres of music as far as it is good music 😇. I do not have a favorite artist because I listen and appreciate every musician out here.```


430EE033-9763-4890-80BA-EFB6EAA4E45C.png This is the stats from my Spotify music account showing how much of a music freak that I am

    As a first daughter, I learned how to cook at a very young age and I fell in love with it. Testing out different recipes and learning about new cultures through the cuisine can never lead you astray. Through cooking I get to expand my horizons and learn different cultures. As I love cooking, I also love eating! Food is life!!

    The game of chess has developed my ability to see from someone’s else perspective. I am still a novice but with continuous practice I’m sure I will a master.

    Through writing I get to put my ideas on paper and let my imagination and my thoughts take over me. When I have anxiety, it is calming to write my thoughts in my journal.
    I love watching movies too.



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