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The Gun That Kills The "Minimalist" In You


Responsibilities take away the minimalist in you, especially when there are no ways to cut corners. It's becoming difficult to survive in Nigeria, especially when you are no alternatives or shortcuts to spending.

However, I don't want to make this post about the travails of living in Nigeria, it drives me insane, it takes me down a downward spiral. However, it's difficult to talk about one's inability to maintain their minimalism status without talking about how external impacts make it difficult to do so.

It only explains why some people here will choose slavery and being second-class citizens in other countries than staying in Nigeria.

The hell here burns differently,

while you make your survival goals, by planning, saving, budgeting, and drafting scales of preferences.

The system just happens to you and your plans are shredded and boom! You're back to ground zero.

For two years now, I've been managing my finances, doing away with pleasures to fund necessities, it seemed to be working out well, but I lost my mum and my brother had this fatal accident that nearly took his arm. This directly went to my emergency funds and baaaam!

The shege I've seen

While I sometimes expect uncertainties, I do well to try and minimize its possibilities

This is because we cannot directly predict how voluminous the impact might be. The negative and unplanned impact is nefarious to one's mental resolve.

Having your mental resolve tinkered with is like killing one's immune system. There are times people choose to completely stop living, and stop fighting.

I'm sure everyone has been there, but it's definitely dangerous to be there. For example, in 3 weeks, I've spent the amount of money I'd normally in 3 months.

This is because I've been paying real estate agents to get me a good place to move to. After 3 weeks of spending that much it's failed to yield any realistic dividend.

Apart from investing long-term and waiting it out, I like my spending to yield dividends, when it doesn't it creates a feeling of waste and despondency.

When I was younger, my mother would normally give us ridiculously small soup to eat huge lumps of cornmeal but it was later I understood that this was mainly to curb the idea of wastage.

The truth is that wastage creates frustration, especially when resources are hard to come by

Things like unregulated and incessant increases in price create the idea of wastage

When money is hard-earned, sometimes one's prospect of spending is subject to scrutiny. Not anymore. Over 3 weeks, I've experienced a lot of mental and physical exhaustion.

Spending and not getting results scare me, especially when I've been really articulate about money that goes out, but these days, I've lost count and this is probably because I've been trying to beat a deadline.

Lagos, Nigeria is a place where you cannot be meticulous. Everything you do is out to unsettle you financially. It's terribly bothersome people no longer have any sense of morals.

The idea of making mad millions from unsavory circumstances is almost what everyone wants here

It's like everyone has become cooperative thieves, taking advantage of scarcity and excessive competition.

It's either you join them in that rat race or you sink. It's totally difficult to survive in a city of capitalism and mad exploitation. This is why I'm deciding to leave Lagos, in about two or three years.

It's been a while here, my engagement has suffered badly, thankfully I've not suffered any major illnesses due to the stress. My online ventures have taken some massive hits and I hope to continue once more

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