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The Gains Of Building Sturdy, Human & Business Affiliations


I often go through open criticism for choosing longevity in almost every aspect of my life. A lot of people want to live in the moment, build short-term commitments, destroy them and start something different, they want to live and spend at the moment, not bothering about the future.

They say tomorrow isn't certain, so there's no need to plan for it, they have no backup plans, no resilience to build something, and no courage or patience to move from ground zero and slowly climb the ladder of life.

These people are unsteady, they want to be there when it's favorable to them, sometimes, I openly reject such affiliation, business relationships, or friendships this is because I find it difficult to live in the moment.

My biological anatomy, blends With My Financial Beliefs

One of my closest friends in real-time goes way back from when we were doing micro-sourcing gigs online to survive. His mother would cook us meals because we couldn't afford to buy food from restaurants.

I was then when he landed some good paying gigs, and he was there, the first bull run happened to me. We transcended from one financial position to another and what we've remained inelastic He's someone I would build a business with because if such a business thrives or experience a decline, the energy to keep growing the business would remain the same.

Staying Through Thick & Thin

A lot of people don't know that there's nothing as short-term wealth

.......if you keep having short termed people in your cycle, there's a tendency for their commitment would be controlled by the constant change that's bound to happen to you or your finances. Take a look at the hive blockchain, some people live for the bull market, and their commitment or activity is controlled by price.

In the long run, their activity will be detrimental to the chain, since building is not in their contribution, it means they're coming to feast on the result of the loyalty and doggedness of others. If everyone were to cultivate the same practice, there wouldn't be anything left to feast on.

It transcends above hive, it's a human thing in general

The mind is often challenged especially when the conditions become difficult to cope with. People build themselves to withstand hard times. The adaptability to withstand hard times, while relaxing oneself to enjoy the resultant efforts of adapting, building, and growing isn't common with everybody.

I know people who have approached me for some sort of business affiliation in real life, but the first thing I check is their mental capacity. Are they firstly going to show the tendency to be loyal to their pockets, what are the things that tick then, what's their innermost intent, and most importantly, what are their level of commitments going to be like?

Trust Will Always Remain The Real Deal

To be honest, I find it quite amusing when people say they went into partnership with others and were duped, it's the same when I see people build with other people and suddenly were betrayed. In Nigeria for example, people are loyal to what is inherently beneficial to them.

The selfless aim to build others irrespective of their positioning is what some people would never do. It's obvious in their way of life, the way they interact, the goals they have and so many other things. One of the reasons why I choose longevity in almost everything is because the tendency for Change to occur in life is inevitable.

Testing The Inelasticity

Some people tend to act differently when they're equipped with different knowledge of you, these changes in attitude or commitment, incur different behavior, and if people are not Inelastic, it means you cannot build with them.

In reality, we can choose to make that choice. In every aspect of our lives, we'll meet people who would show interest in affiliations, but if we cannot check if their mentality aligns with ours, it becomes a problematic situation.

I'm not afraid to lose affiliations, the major thing I'm happy about is that I'm losing the treachery and disloyalty that comes with it. I've lived most of my life needing people. A time came in my life when everyone gave up on me, and it was only my paternal aunt that was willing to invest in me, I was nearing rock bottom, and I needed that loyalty to uplift me.

Building For The Ashes

Every now and then, I'm always asking myself What if she wasn't there?

Since then, I've been unafraid of loss, because every potential loss, is an opportunity to reevaluate my stance. In life, losing opens a gaining opportunity, unless we're too blind to see it. So I've been entering and leaving some of the real-time and online business affiliations because I just am not short-term-minded.

I'll admit, it's difficult to get people whose goals align. But the reality of the situation is that, when you find these people, building and growing becomes easier. Life is already unsteady and uncertain, it's the main reason why we must try to maintain stability in the aspects of affiliations we create, especially with people and our finances.

Interested in some more of my works?

Reviewing A $400 Samsung Galaxy A72 (photos Included)
Hive's Scalability & The Compromise Of Commitments
Money: The Consequences Of Making The Right & Wrong Decisions
The Nigerian Economy: Monopolizing Incompetence
The Experiential Process of Understanding Money
A Case Of Theft On Hive: Here's Why Some People Choose Scam.