How To Comfortably Write A Quality ShitPost..


Forgive, the theatrical title, I'm sure, you'll find out why I chose it. First and foremost, I do not like writing about Hive, or writing about content that surrounds the anatomy of hive and its ecosystem and this is because I feel it's generally not my scope or area of specialization. Sometimes even when it's done by the pros, it tends to get boring to read, unless there are charts, demographics or the writing itself is colorful and captivating, especially for people with low attention spans. However, whenever I try, I tend to majorly mess it up because I'll never be able to do so introspectively and I might not like the result.

Now there's this creative angle...

I might even feel like I've not given enough details, I ask myself which angle of appeal I might use to keep it entertaining and exciting at the same time, most times when I don't get engagements, it sends the feedback that either my audience weren't impacted or I've not done it well, and even when there is no engagement on one's post, silent feedback can also be a feedback that one's not getting it right.

Although there are times you'd post and you wouldn't get engagements and this isn't dependent on your content but the nature of the chain at that particular time. We have to understand that things like timezone or the time frame when your audience can be available might hamper engagement, but it's probably something you'd have to work out.

So how do people on Hive mostly differentiate between what's a shitpost and what is quality? One word: effort.

However, there's a Catch

This might defer, some people mostly don't care, they just want to set an earning range with a certain downvote size for the bigger picture which is protecting the reward pool. However, back to the discussion. But the truth is quality isn't completely about effort, it's about impact and value. Some people tailor their content to rewards alone and they try to maximize their efforts alone to earn more and make less impact on others with their content or presence, this is why some authors might write lengthy posts and get no engagement or views.

Because they're not Channeling enough energy by firstly recognizing their audience, giving them back the value they get, and creating a systemic ripple effect where everyone wins. One of the reasons why I concentrate on "audience" is that I believe anyone who forms part of my audience should be incentivized in return because I have a big audience base and limited resources, it means I have to put them on top of my scale of preference when it comes to Incentivization for their efforts.

So, being a content creator isn't just about writing long posts and doing great videos, if you don't get the engagement and views, it's hard for a system like 3speak to reward it

We value engagement and views as a huge part of the value when it comes to creating content

In my opinion, the concept of shitposting is a mirage because an audience determines traction, which is dependent on the stake, effort, creativity, or consistency of the author. A content is only as good as the value it offers to a certain kind of audience, because a content cannot generally eschew value to everyone because of people's tastes and preferences, and that's why we sometimes, tilt to a certain algorithm where we create content to suit a particular kind of audience.


The Grey Area Of Lucrativeness

However, there's the argument that a person's area of concentration might not be lucrative enough. But this is different with hive. Every content is lucrative especially when the audience and the networking are rightly done. However there's no guide to being a great content creator on Hive, (you might have that on YouTube and TikTok) sometimes, a lot of people tend to underestimate the work they need to put in to understand that content is only a fragment of the main goal: traction.

As for me, writing is what I most enjoy doing, but I've generally had to switch up my writing style to get traction. This is how I found a niche in mobile photography, talking about phones and writing personal finance. Although we might say Crypto content sells better because of the appeal to making money, sometimes it gets too complicated especially when you have an audience with less appeal for technical content, it's a win-win.


many people try and fail, they, hit the reset button and still repeat the same thing in the hope that they can achieve a different result but it still doesn't yield. Since we believe there's nothing we cannot do when we put our minds to it, there are contents we might struggle to come up with because believe me, you need to enjoy the process of creating if one can be productively Impactful. This is why it's important to create content you'll enjoy while impacting the right audience.

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The Intrinsic Propensity To Spend Money
Poverty: The Unwillingness To Spend?
A Scenic Bathroom Photoshoot
The Importance Of Having A Contingency Money Plan
Translational Value; What Is Your Worth?
Using Crypto As A Means Of Transferring Will


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