My celebrity crush: Simisola Bolatito Kosoko

Celebrities usually have a wave of fans and followers who, in their admirations, follow them bumper to bumper, taking note of almost every action and inaction these celebrities engage in. And here in Nigeria, news often goes along like a housefly attracted by dirt, but this time around, for a good cause. Fans are often able to say more than just a thing or two about their celebrity crushes because the lifestyles are followed in details.

Even though I have quite a number of admired celebrities, mostly in the movie industry, my heart went all out for Simisola Bolatito Kosoko, whose stage name is Simi. She is Nigerian born and aged thirty-six and married to Adekunle Gold, who I kind of see as my rival (you can say that I am dreaming, right?). Particularly, Simi fascinates me by her melodious and unique voice. I could literally pick out her voice among a billion voices, and I get mesmerized by her voice even before assimilating the words or their meanings. Well, I could say that I am obsessed by her voice, and she happens to be the first celebrity that caught my interest. Without compromise, I love Simi’s genre, which is Afropop, R&B, etc. She seems to just perfectly put the words together as a song where the listener is able to relate to everyday living. Many people love the constructs of their favorite songs by their artists, and I am not an exception, as I enjoy every one of Simi’s songs, and maybe my obsession with her songs made me stack my album with her songs.


I know Simi did not just hit the spotlight in her musical career; it was gradual, and with a church start, she was able to find her way to an enviable state. She has done a few collaborations with other artists to spice up her songs, but even when she does her songs as a solo, they always get me to the marrows. Simi is also not just all talents without brains, as she is a graduate of mass communication from Covenant University. She has been nominated for several awards and won a significant bunch of them. Perhaps she has won an award from my heart as my favorite celebrity and singer.

Is Simi always in the news like many of the celebrities who are often raided for scandals? Not that I know of. I guess beyond the beautiful talents that Simi possesses, she maintains her standards off the radar to prevent the poking nose of bloggers from the usual gossip that follows many celebrities. Such little or no noise is definitely a pass mark for me, as I hate to see my loved ones dragged in the mud by people who do not deserve attention. Funny, she even married her husband, Adekunle Gold, in a private wedding. Less noise often brings fewer troubles and talks, and this is just the kind of lifestyle that I admire.


I do not want to imagine my expression or emotions if I happen to meet with her someday, of course not to snatch her from the love of her life, but I can guess her image would be forever stamped in my heart.

I guess we all have something that attracts us to our celebrities, and I would love to have you share your thoughts also. Do well to visit the #hivelearners community for exciting activities such as hangouts, games, etc.

Thank you for reading.

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