When Do We Really Become Adults?

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Age and maturity seem like one of those topics people debate while trying to see what connects them. Just like I was taught in citizenship education, I know that the age considered adults and also recognized legally age for majority is the age 18.

We know how 18-year-olds today behave... But life is such an irony, the young wants to be older, while the older ones want to be young again. I'm certain that we all know that when a child turns 18, they are considered adults who are supposed to take responsibility for their lives and make the right decisions.

Also, an 18-year-old person has the right to vote and to be voted for. I remember way back how happy I was to go get my voters card done after I clocked 18. Sadly, it feels like in this part of the world, one's vote doesn't count.

In my opinion, I think that while 18 might seem young, it can still pass for adult age.

For me, I guess life experiences accelerated my sense of taking responsibility for my life. Even before I was 18, I knew that I had gotten to a stage where I had to take responsibility for my life—decisions, actions, everything—and that in turn prepared me earlier for adulthood.

If I had the power to choose or change the official legal age for the majority in Nigeria, the age would be 21. I know that in many countries, like the United States, 21 is the legal age for them, and I feel it should be the legal age for the majority here too.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with age 18. Unfortunately, alcohol is still sold to persons under the age 18. What does that tell you?

One of the reasons why I feel 21 is the best age to consider legal for the majority is financial responsibility.

At age 21, most individuals must have finished their education and also attained a level of financial independence in such a way that it would enable them to shoulder the financial responsibilities that come with adulthood.

I'm sure a lot of us here know the song that says 'Adulthood Na Scam'. Why do you think they said that?

Entering adulthood brings a huge number of duties. It's knowledge that being an adult entails taking on responsibilities so it's not surprising that no one will be checking up on you to see if you've had your meals. You have to put in the effort to earn a living in order to meet your needs. The list of bills seems never ending. There's food to buy rent to pay, electricity bills, tuition fees and so forth.

I believe that by the age of 21 many people may have had the chance to cultivate maturity attain independence and accumulate life experiences that equip them for adult obligations.

Apart, from accountability individuals at 21 are more likely to have solidified a career or financial base. This foundation enables them to make informed decisions about life events, like purchasing a home getting married and starting a family.

Speaking of age and maturity, If I didn't know well, I would agree with anyone that age is what determines maturity, but from experience I can say safely say that the notion is wrong.

Little wonder why we have fools at 40. I think age is just a number and maturity is not a personal quality that can only be measured by a person's age.
There are individuals who possess emotional intelligence, wisdom, and responsibilities beyond their years of age, while others are still growing and learning as they reach adulthood. Life experiences, personal growth and individual development play a role, in determining maturity levels surpassing the factor of age.

Imagine a 25 year old who has dedicated years, to looking after a family member handling household responsibilities and working part time. Contrasted with a 30 year old who followed a path of education and career pursuits the 25 year old might exhibit greater emotional maturity and accountability despite being younger. This scenario illustrates how life experiences and personal evolution can shape ones level of maturity irrespective of age.

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All thanks to the weekly featured content from the Hive learners community that has made me reflect on my perspective about the ideal adult age. Now that I write this post it makes me realize that maturing is a journey, not a final stop. It involves learning, adjusting and developing along the way.

While age can provide a rough guide, it's our experiences, choices, and values that truly shape us. Let's embrace this complexity and focus on building a world where individuals can thrive, regardless of their age or background. By doing so, we'll create a society that celebrates growth, resilience, and the beauty of human development in all its forms.

Images are mine and edited on Canva

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