He Was A Real Asset For Me.

Hello to my Hive Leanrner Community. It is my first post in weekly Hive Learner Weekly Contest. The topic of this edition is very interesting. I have gone through some poats of different users and also the rules of this weekly engagement contest. Her is my entry in Week 117 Edition 1.


Without any delay comes to the topic "In Loving Memory". When I got Government job In 2013, I met to a person namely Imran Rasool Shah. In a few days we became quite familiar with each other and I asked him to live in my room in a hostel. Luckily he accepted my proposal and became our room mate. He was very affectionate to me and always behaved me like a younger brother.

At weekends I used to visit his home located in Islamabad. He always welcomed me at his beautiful home. Believe me he was very close to my heart. He always guided me through thick and thin. He used to ask me "Javed, you are my younger brother, you can share your every problem with me. Infact I joined government job in 2013 and he had served for 10 years to the same department. In this way he was my senior but he never behaved with me like a senior.

The 2019 was a bad year for me. I cannot forget that particular day when my friend called ne that Imran Rasool Shah had an accident with a car and he is admitted in DHQ hospital Mianwali. I remembered that was attending a marriage ceremeny of a friend Majid Khan. It was a shocking news for me. I went to DHQ hospital. When I reached there I was shocked to see the dead body of my beloved friend Imran Rasool Shah. I was crying and my friends were trying to calm down me. Believe me it was the worst day of my life. I cannot forget that particular day. My friend had died and I was standing at his dead body. My friend Imran Rasool Shah had changed into a dead body.

Whenever I remeber that particular day, I cannot stop my tears. He was my like my elder brother. I think I cannot repair this loss. He used to say me " Javed, I will not live long".

He was a great human being. Always remained down to earth. I nevesaw him in anger. He had a sming face. I learnt a lot from him. He was my everything. Still I am waiting for his substitute but could not get so far. May his soul rest in peace.

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