An introductory guide: Essential steps to take when you first access your hive account [Hive education]



Hey guys, I'm excited to share this article with you! I recently introduced a friend to Hive blogging, and they asked me for guidelines. This made me realize I haven't contributed much to welcoming and educating newbies on the platform. So, I'm starting my Hive education program with this article. I hope it helps!

Step 1: Understand Your Interest (Niche)

To start anything, you need a plan. And a plan requires a purpose. So, what do you want to share and grow on this Web 3.0 blogging platform? Finding your interest is crucial to starting a blogging career. It's simple: relax, write down what you enjoy doing, and consider what adds value to you. Among these, you'll find your niche and interest.

Step 2: Research Communities with Your Interest

Firstly, join the OCD community and read others' introductory posts. Find common ideas and headings, and introduce yourself in your own way. Then, navigate to the "Discover" menu and search for active communities that align with your interest. Join them!


Step 3: Create an Engagement Schedule

To ensure you're active and growing on the platform, create a plan. Decide how you'll approach each community, how many articles you'll share, and how many comments you'll make daily. Allocate your time proportionally to each community.

Step 4: Take Action

Discipline is key. Try to follow your plan, and don't be discouraged by initial challenges like low resource credits. Consider using Ecency or saving points for an account boost. Practice patience, and remember that having a Hive blogging account is like owning a company – make it grow!


That's a quick guide for newbies. More detailed articles will follow as the program continues. Remember, I'm here to help. Comment below if you need directions or guidelines.

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