Don't lose self-confidence. There is still much to learn.

Photo: Unsplash

Greetings! Itz Nur here. I am in Hive for almost two months. But I am still like a newbie. There are a lot of reasons. The main cause behind this is my inactivity. Again another reason is my lack of self-confidence. I always think negative about me. I always think how does people judge me. Like, few days ago my public board exam result published. I thought that I will do worst. I mayn't get GPA-5 or A+ in the exam. But see I got Golden + with a good marks (1237 out of 1300).

My parents are also so much happy of my result. By thinking negative about myself or self-judgement I lost some important things of my life. There's also a probability to lose many more things in future.

When I write here in hive a negative think always roam in my head that ''Will people like my writhing? How will they judge me?". I know a thing that I am so weak in English. Specially in grammar. That's why my confidence decrease more and more.

This lack of self-confidence has taught me something. That is "****How to make you more perfect" Yes, when I feel that I am doing bad or I am bad in this work I try to make me correct. Like, this has helped me in my Public examination. I always thought that I am a bad student. I am weak that my other friends. But at last I won the troffy. I got the the highest marks among my friends.

It's 2:30 am of night. This random things were roaming in my head and couldn't sleep. So, I thought that let's share my feelings with my hive friends.

I hope you liked this article. Thanks for reading till end. Best wishes to you and one more think never lose your hope.

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