Easiest Irresistible Homemade Mango Ice Cream Recipe

Hey Everyone, I hope you all are fine and doing great. This is my entry for the #creativeSunday Contest Initiative started by #hivelearners.

If you want to learn more about #creativeSunday, You can read This post


Want to know what I posted on the previous Sunday, Click on the given link.


So, We are here again on another Sunday, It's a day where we can do some creative tasks and share them with our Hive family.

Today we decided to make Mango ice cream, So let's start with


  • Sweet Wiping Cream - 2 cups
  • 2 Mangoes.
  • Yellow Food colour - 1 Pinch
  • Condensed Milk - 2 Tablespoon.

Making Procedure

Before going into any further details, I would like to add, that this is the easiest recipe to make Mango ice cream at home.

First of all, you need to peel off the mangoes and cut them into slices like this.

Now put these mangoes into the grander and grand them until it comes in a smooth paste form.

Here are some instructions for you.

  • Make sure the Grander Should be Properly dry.

  • You should not add any milk or water while grinding mangoes.

  • Make sure everything you use to make this ice Cream should be dry.

  • Any amount of water or anything like this will make crystals in ice cream.

After Grinding the mangoes, put the thick Smoothy paste in the bowl.

You Take wiping cream.

Add it into a separate bowl.

Make sure you have a beater to beat the Wiping cream. Make sure the Wiping cream is cold, Otherwise, it will not be whipped properly.

Here you can see I am Beating the Wiping Cream.

Here is the End result of beating the wiping cream. You should beat it for almost 5 to 10 minutes. It will double in quantity.

The sign of good whipped cream is that It won't fall From the bowl even if we turn the bowl down. You can see this in the Picture below.

Now add the thick Mango paste to the whipped cream and Beat it for some time to mix the mango and whipped cream, Make sure they are mixed properly.

The colour of the ice cream was a little less yellow so, we added a little amount of yellow food colour to enhance its yellow colour.

Here you can see I am adding the food colour.

After adding the Yellow colour, repeat the beating procedure and beat it for some time until the food colour is mixed properly.

The final look after mixing the Yellow food colour will be like this.

Now put the ice cream into the plastic storage box.

Add a layer of thin plastic sheet on the upper layer of ice cream, The reason for keeping this sheet is to avoid it getting and change into crystals.

Now add the box covering and keep it in the Lower part of the deep freezer. Keep it in the deep freezer for 12 hours.

Here is the final look of the Ice Cream. Eat it and enjoy it with your loved ones ;)

I am also thinking of recording the Video of the process and uploading it for more guidance and better learning.

What do you guys say about it? Should I do it or not?

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