The Three Things I Dislike Most in Life

There's no greater dislike I have than the one for snakes. For some reason, I have never liked any animal in the reptile family. I cannot explain why I don't like reptiles, I've just grown with a general dislike for anything that crawls on its belly and has sleek, slimy skin.
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Watching a reptile, no matter how harmless it is said to be, gives me the chills. I remember sitting with my siblings to watch NatGeo Wild on one of those days and the first animal to be shown was a snake. As I sat there watching it, my skin began to react as if the snake was crawling under it. I didn't want to sound like a scaredy cat so I sat quietly, enduring the uncomfortable feeling in my skin until goose bumps began to surface.

I rose from the chair where I sat and ran into the children's room, running my sharp fingernails all over my body. I told my mother when she returned from work that evening but she chided me and said it was my imagination, after all, the snake was just in the television.

From that day, I noticed I didn't just hate snakes, I hated whatever crawled on its belly and whatever had slimy skin; frogs, toads, catfish, wall geckos, earthworms, snakes, lizards, and other reptiles or reptile-related animals.

As I grew older, I realized that my hatred for some of those animals like frogs and earthworms translated to fear, so I made an intentional decision to train my mind not to repel them anymore. Every time I saw a frog, earthworm, or wall gecko, I took my mind off and regarded them like every other domestic animal around my environment but my hatred for snakes has remained, no matter how hard I try.

I've also realized that I dislike a disorganized environment. It is so bad with me that I can barely do anything creative when the environment is disorderly.

I think I picked that trait from my mother.

Growing up, my mother made sure we picked up after our own mess. She allowed us to scatter the house however we liked but immediately after our play time was over, she made sure we cleaned up everywhere, had our baths, and put on clean clothes.

Most times, I expect everyone around me to be the same way.

Whenever someone litters the room he or she is living in or just emerges from, I automatically assume that he or she is a dirty person. It happens all the time when I go to see anybody, my friend or not.

Whenever I call someone's house and the place is untidy, I find it difficult to relate comfortably. I instantly pick a disliked to such an environment and no matter what I am offered, I don't eat there.

I almost had an issue with one of my aunties when I visited her. According to her, she didn't know that I was coming so the entire place was untidy. Her children's clothes were littered about and they had to remove all the clothes she just brought in from the line for me to find a place to sit.

By the time she was done cooking and came to serve me, I told her I didn't eat beans, which obviously was a lie. No matter how she tried to convince me to take even a spoon so that all her preparations for me would not be in vain, I refused. Eventually, she took the plate of food away with so much anger.

I had to call my mom to help me convince her that I didn't eat beans so it wouldn't bring problems between them.

When an environment is untidy, I have to get up and clean everywhere myself or wait for it to be cleaned up thoroughly before I can eat, sleep or write.

Lastly, I dislike unproductiveness. I don't know how other people take their jobs or personal lives but for me, it's the most important part of my existence, probably because I have a drive to succeed. So when I see people around me lazying about despite having high-income skills or businesses, I get upset.

I try as much as possible to ensure that everyone within my circle does something productive and from time to time, I encourage them to become better at whatever it is that they do.

Whenever anyone close to me refuses to make an effort to be productive, I just rule such a person out as an unserious person, but before then, I must have made attempts to share ways he or she can be better. If they refuse, then they can never get recommendations from me, no matter how good they are at what they do.

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