If you miss giving from the heart - you miss doing it right

The first problem I have with fame is that all your actions are misunderstood. Growing up, I always thought that celebrities who give to charity or give to the poor do it to enhance their fame, and I thought this because I felt if it was truly out of the abundance of their hearts, they would probably have met with me or any of my family members even once, to alleviate the suffering we once lived in.
However maturing into an adult taught me that these people could actually have good intentions but they couldn't reach out to every single person on the planet so instead, they would go to charity organizations to render their assistance.

This made me rethink why we should do good deeds.

I love to give out things; money, clothes, shoes, books, and it's not because I have so much, it's because I know what it feels like not to have.

So doing a good deed must come from the heart. I feel like to do what is truly worth it, you have to be able to feel what those people feel or have a clue at least.

If you just think, “I have a lot of money so let me go share some with charity,” it may go a long way to help them with supplies, but all you're doing is reaching out to their bellies, not their hearts.

I believe that reaching out to a person should start from the heart. While you may not be able to reach out to the heart of every suffering young person, child, or adult, you may just be able to figure out what exactly these people need by reaching out to their hearts.

Sometimes they don't want cartons of noodles or rolls of tissue paper that we always bring to their doorstep, they want someone to smile at them and say that they're beautiful. Or they want someone who would notice them, some of them just want to see a face different from the ones they've seen all the days of their lives. Some of those people need motivation.

It's not always all about the money, this is the first reason it has to be from the heart. If you miss giving from the heart, you miss doing it right.

I understand that one of the fastest ways to gain popularity is by showing the good deeds you do to the public and it's okay if that works for your conscience, but if that is your goal when going over to assist people, then you are not truly going to do a good deed, you're going to do a self-righteous deed.

If you truly want to give, you should give because you feel privileged to have more than others, not because you feel better than them and so think it's okay to use them as a stepping stone to your success.

Using people is a terrible idea.

Like I said earlier, if you don't do something from your heart, there is a huge tendency that you will do it wrong. Once you begin to reach out to people with the mindset to use them, you become entitled to their loyalty simply because you're doing something you feel is good for them.

Your intention must be good for your gift to be considered a good one.

Nobody likes to be used, and so nobody should use others. I can only imagine the dreadful look on a celebrity’s face if they find out they are being used by probably their producers just to attain fame or a certain goal.

They would feel belittled, angry, and maybe even bitter.

Knowing that these feelings can lead to other terrible ones like depression or low self-esteem, should even discourage people from using others. No one should want to cause such ill feelings for another person.

Unfortunately, on a daily basis, these less privileged people get used by others to climb up the social ladder, something that they themselves would not tolerate.

I receive help from some more privileged people around me from time to time and if I should ever find out that I am being used instead of genuinely helped, I would be very upset.

If I can return every single help I've ever been offered by such a person, I would love to do that and just rid myself of the idea that such a person had ever helped me.

This is why I said sometimes these people we go to with money and supplies in charity homes wish for something else. Some of them have come to an understanding that these people only come to help just to have pictures and videos to announce how good they are to the whole world, and bizarre as it sounds, they no longer appreciate these things as excitedly as they would have if they didn't think they were being used.

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