Temporary good weather but alarming

Whether is the most difficult thing to predict in the current time and sometimes people say a sentence to describe the situation of weather and sentence is "Predicting the weather is more difficult than predicting the movement of cryptocurrency". We all know that the cryptocurrency market is volatile and hard to predict the next move of cryptocurrency. All the people say it for the front purpose but there is a little logic behind it. It's because the weather fluctuates rapidly. Sometimes in the morning, the sun is shining and there is no sign of clouds in the sky but within an hour rainfall starts. Again sometimes in the night heavy rainfall occurs but in the morning there is no trace of rain and the Sun shining brightly.

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The rapid change of weather indicates climate change. The impact of climate change is negative and so seasons are changing. For that extreme heat, and extreme rainfall may cause floods, and extreme coldness occurs depending on the geographical location of a country. Before saying something about the current weather of my region I want to say a little bit about the weather conditions of Nigeria. They are facing terrible heat and a shortage of electricity making life miserable. As I also experienced some situations in my country last year, I can understand how miserable it can be. I just pray and hope that Rain will happen in Nigeria and make the environment cooler for the Nigerians.

Let's talk about the weather conditions in my region. There are officially six seasons in my country and the winter season just ended a few days ago and currently, it's the spring season. Technically the weather should be a little bit cold (not extreme) and we should be able to spend the day without using a fan. It would be ideal if that happened but unfortunately, it's not happening.

Winter season came lately and it was already gone before the expected time. I can say that it's such kind of time when fluctuation between coldness and warmness. In that kind of weather, weather is risky because getting sick is very natural. Because of this reason, many people are suffering from fever, cold cough etc. In the case of the environment, the scenario is quite good and pleasant. New leaves started to appear in the tree and the environment looking greeny. It seems the environment is revived by the touch of spring season. The exception is the heat is a little bit high compared to the last few years. So, currently, the weather is looking pretty well but electricity problems are occurring although it's not such a serious issue as it's not happening every day.

Unfortunately, the increasing heat and the outage of the electricity supply seem alarming in my eyes. Within the upcoming some months, the summer season will come. And In that time the temperature will increase naturally. As the temperature is slightly high compared to other years, it's quite expected that in the summer season, it will continue to rise. Last year the temperature was very high and record-breaking which was 42 degree Celsius and I won't be surprised if this year the temperature breaks the record of last year. The electricity problem already showing some symptoms at the current time instead of low electricity demand. In the summer season load shedding or shortage of electricity is quite expected ( I pray that not to happen ). Moreover, the humidity in our environment is very high which is naturally capable enough to make us uncomfortable.

Considering the overall situation, we are going to face a very terrible time if my prediction becomes true (maximum possibility). I just hope that within that short time, our government somehow will be able to find some way to produce more electricity which is the only thing that can give us relief. So here the current scenario of weather is okay but the upcoming month is very alarming and it's a matter of concern.

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