Taking loans is worthy sometimes

Money is very important to all, and everyone wants to make money for a secure and better future. It's normal, but the financial condition of everyone is not the same. Financial crisis incomes to anyone, even if someone is rich. Sometimes situations lead to us in such a situation we need to borrow money from others or take loans from others. Sometimes people are winning to help us, and sometimes not because, in terms of finance, everyone can't be trusted.

Many people see the habit of taking loans or asking for money from a negative perspective, and I won't blame them for it because most of people don't return the money after getting the money. This is the reason why people don't want to give their money to others, even if for borrowing, because after giving the money to others, they lose control of that money. I am always very careful when it comes to financial cases. In rare cases, I give money to others, and I don't think about borrowing money or taking loans from others. But I don't think borrowing money or taking loans is a bad thing as long as I am capable enough to return the money and I have the mentality to return the money.

I belong to a middle-class family, but my financial condition was moderately good, and I don't think in any serious cases I needed to borrow money from others. Thanks to my parents, who always take care of my financial issues since childhood. Whatever, I became self-dependent since the second year of my university. And I stopped taking money from my parents. What I earned was enough for me. So, from the perspective, financial issues were not major issues for me. But as well as I can remember, I borrowed a little amount of money once from my best friend.

Many of you already know that I am from such a category who loves to go for adventure and explore new places, and I don't want to miss any opportunity. All of a sudden some of our friends made plans to go on an adventure, and it was the end of the month. I am very calculated, and I had the money to finish the month well, but I didn't have the money to go on an adventure in that time. So, instead of having the mentality to go there, I shared my financial issues with my best friend. I told him to give me some money for the adventure if he had spare money. Instantly he said "yes," and using the money, we all went for the adventure, and we enjoyed it a lot. So in that case, I am thankful to my best friend for borrowing me money. He had enough faith in me, and that's the reason he trusted me to give the money.

Within a week I received money from my tuition, and immediately I returned the money to my best friend before he asked for the money. I think it was my responsibility to return the money as early as possible because I am the one who borrowed money from him. I believe that in the case of financial transactions, I want to be fast and transparent because people love to make financial deals with them who have the habit. I think it will help me if I face any emergency and people will try to help me without having the fear of losing their money. It's life, and nobody knows when I need the help of others, although I don't need to borrow money from others. Except for this one, I think I never borrowed money from anyone in my entire life.

By the way, I want to make one thing clear that taking loans is not a bad thing. It can be for an emergency or it can be for business, whatever.


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