Student life & the power of Psychology

Student life is known as the golden period of human life. Student life is that time when our curiosity remains at it's peak and we try to find out the answer to curiosity. That is the time when we are not bound with any heavy responsibility which is one kind of shackle in life. It has been seen that student life is the most precious time for humans and they enjoy their life more than other stages of life. Maybe that's the reason people love to memorize those old memories of their student life and try to go back in that time.

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As a student gaining knowledge should be the first priority. The knowledge can be anything. It can be the knowledge of the textual books, it can be the knowledge of real-life experience. It can be the knowledge learned from others or it can be the knowledge for our own observation. Most of the students think that knowledge means only the knowledge from textual books which is not right.

In my case, the knowledge or the understanding of human psychology is the thing which I enjoyed most in my student life. Surprised 🙀!!! I know it's a surprising thing for many people but I am explaining it.

I am a student of science background and from my 9th standard, almost every topic of science was very interesting to me. I was an introvert type of person. Besides, I had very few friends because many times my educational institutes changed. I had 7 educational institutes in my student life. As I talk less automatically the power of my observing increased with time. As I changed 7 institutes, I was able to meet with various kinds of students with various qualities and thoughts. So I need to adapt to various kinds of situations in different different institutions. So naturally I was able to understand some psychological things of other students. So I became very curious about human psychology and I want to know more about it to understand better about human actions and thoughts.

My home tutor noticed my interest in psychology and he provided me with some instructions and guidelines on how to know more. Even he provided me several books related to psychology. As much as I read books my curiosity increased more but I didn't feel the impact of the knowledge of psychology in my life. I just kept reading many books as much as possible and trying to remove my hungerness to know more about that specific topic means human psychology. I didn't realize the power of understanding human psychology and how it already plays a role in my life until some of my doctor friends started noticing my ability. At that time I thought they were just praising me too much because they are my friends. But after the time I was observing my own moment and I was my own testing subject. I realized that they were not saying any wrong thing.

I was able to know that the knowledge I had gained was indirectly helping me in case of making decisions. It was also very beneficial for me in case of interaction with others because I can easily predict anyone's mentality if I spend some time with that human. It's not mean I didn't get any negative impact from it. Actually, I did some experiments on some of my cool friends to understand more about my power and my intention was to make them angry. I was successful in the case of the experiment but the consequences of their anger were really bad for me 😅. I never expected that I could make them angry because they were very coolest persons I have ever seen. Some other incidents also made me realize that It's not a thing to make the experiment and It can harm anyone mentally. So I stopped practicing the experiment with such kind of thing with others until it's not necessary but I need to accept that because of the power of understanding the psychology of humans making my way easier in my life.

I feel that if I was not a student then I might not be able to know about various kinds of humans (students) and I would not feel interested in the psychology of humans. In the current time and in the upcoming days the impact of human psychology is playing a very important role and it is my greatest achievement which I enjoyed a lot.

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