Should I write or not🤔🤔!!??

Hello everyone, it's me once again and this time I am here to share some thoughts which naturally come from many author's minds. So Let's start.

Writing consistently on this platform regularly is challenging and there is no doubt in this case and I believe that everyone will agree with me. In the beginning time, it may seem difficult to write posts every day but after a certain period the difficulty starts to decrease and that is quite natural because we get used to it, and practicing again and again makes us better.

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But as humans, our mind is unstable, and even after remaining consistent for a moderate time sometimes our mind becomes blank and we don't get any ideas to write and sometimes we don't feel interested in writing even if we have a topic to write. Maybe the mood is not good or for some kind of reason, we feel overwhelmed. As I am here since 2 years, I also experienced that kind of situation. In that kind of situation, a question came to mind " Should we force ourselves to write articles even if our mood is not supporting? Or should we avoid writing on that day?"

The matter can be considered from two different perspectives. And I am sharing one by one.

The mood of us plays a very important role in case of writing an article. If we want to write the best quality article, we need to take advantage of our mood. I am not saying that it's impossible to write a good quality article even if our mood is not good but without the help of mood, it's impossible to bring out the best output from us. That is the reason it's very important in case of writing articles and that thing helps to connect with readers very easily because of what goodmot is a requirement for the best quality article. Because of that reason, we should try to write an article when our mood is in a good state. For many people, their mood remains good most of the time in the morning for some people it can be in the evening depending on humans. In my case after the evening seems good. So if for any kind of reason our mood is not in good condition then, we should wait for a little time or do something to make our mood good. Sometimes in a state of trying we become unsuccessful in making our mood good we can consider taking a break. So from this perspective, we can avoid writing articles on that specific day.

Now let's try to sit from a different perspective. I agree that our mood plays a very important role and to produce the best quality article we need to take advantage of our good mood. But should we take a break or skip writing for that day? From the first perspective, it was the solution but at the same time, a risk also involved there. If we skip writing an article for a single time then, it breaks the flow of consistency which we practiced earlier. Breaking flow can be the reason for breaking the trend. It can play a psychological role which brings negative consequences. If we skip a day to write showing the reason our mood is not good, the same thing may continue in the next time also. Whenever we get a reason, we will try to show it as an excuse not to write a post that day. We try to find the reason to deceive ourselves and most of the time we do it and that can be a reason to make us inconsistent. So from this perspective, we should not allow ourselves to deceive our mind and not to break the flow. In that case, we should try to force ourselves to write even if we don't want to. I encountered the situation two times and each time I returned after 4 months. So I can understand it very well. Not only me but also some other users faced the same consequences.

So what is the solution and what to do? In my case, I don't allow myself to stop posting at any cost because I already encountered the situation and faced the consequences two times. I figured out a solution for myself. When my mood does not remain good, I force myself to write something about my daily life which means what I have done in the whole day. In that kind of article, I don't need to put too much effort also and I don't break the flow.

You are welcome to share your opinion and I also want to know which one you naturally choose.

If you think that I violated any rules of this platform or my word hurting you or I made any mistakes here , let me inform about it through comments or my other social network . I will try to correct it if I made any mistakes.

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